Margarete Steffin (1908-1941)

("Chronik Margarete Steffins: Vorläufige Forschungsergebnisse" von Stefan Hauck und Rudy Hassing. The Brecht Yearbook, Volume 19 (1994).)
 Giehse\:steffinchronik.html 02.04.1998
Date (Day.Month.Year) Event Notes
21.03.1908 Margarete Emilie Charlotte Steffin is born in Rummelsburg/ Kreis Niederbarnim. Her father is a construction worker and mother helps the income by sewing at home.
27.07.1909 Sister Herta Frieda born, called "hoppchen."
02.08.1913 Brother Hermann Wilhelm Albert born. (dies 21.08.1913)
08.1914 Father drafted in WWI.
1920 joins the Kindergruppe der Internationalen Arbeiterhilfe (IAH): Sammelaktion Lebensmittel für die russische Hungersnot.
1921 writes a one-hour-length play in verse for Christmas; is produced by three schools.
1922  becomes Luafmädchen at the Deutschen Telefonwerken.
1924 becomes member of the socialdemocratic Touristenverein; apprenticeship as accountant at Globus-Verlag.
1925 with her friends exchange to Gruppe Treptow der Fichte-Wandersparte; editor of club newspaper.
1926 member of the Großberliner Sprechchores.
Fall. 1927 begins a relationshop with Herbert Dymke; Russian language lessons with Saschea Röder; works as bookkeeper at printing shop; also perform solo-recitation at Sunday mantinees.
1928 first-tiem pregnancy and abortion.
1929 secretary at the social-democratic Lehreverband.
1930 second-time pregnancy and abortion.
1931 works at the Rote Revue; attends speech technique course taught by Helene Weigel at MASCH; Ernst Ottwalt writes texts for her. In spring, break-up with Herbert Dymke.
02.01.1932 plays the role of the maid in Brecht's Mother.
01.1932 stays at the Hermannsdörferschen special division.
13.05-23.06.1932 in the USSR. 
(Brecht also in Moscow for the first showing of Kuhle Wampe.)
07-09.1932 in Utting am Ammersee with Brecht.
11.1932 enters Charité Hospital; wirtes "Zwillinge."
01.1933 again enters Charité Hospital; writes "heute träumt ich, daß ich bei dir läge."
22-23.02.1933 arrives Sanatorium der Deutschen Heilstätte in Agra (Tessin/Schweiz); there writes "Von der Liebe und dem Krieg," "Kinderlandverschickung," "Carmen,""Kleiner Mann, was tun!" "So wurde ich Laufmädchen,""Die große Sache,""Die rote Fahne,""Ich lieg allein im Bett."
28.02.1933  Brecht leaves Berlin (By mid-March, Brecht is in Switzerland looking for a place to stay.)
23.03.1933 Brecht visits Agra.
04.1933 her reports on Krim USSR appears in Terrasse; Hermann Hesse visits in Montagnola.
30.05.1933 in Sanatorium at Agra. rehearses The Boar (Chekhov) and Kleptomanie (Hartung)
01-04.06.1933 travels from Lugano and Basel to Paris.
20.06.1933 Brecht leaves Paris for Thurö.
07.1933 writes "Dir zugeeignet und dir ganz gewogen;" attempts to establish Deutscher Autoren-Dienst (DAD) in Paris to help distribute literary texts by German writers in exile.
08.07.1933 writes "Stell dir vor: es kommen alle Frauen."
Mid-August 1933 in Paris edits the manuscripts of Dreigroschenroman, which Brecht has sent to her consecutively.
09.1933 prepares Brech/Eisler Lieder Gedichte Chöre.
10.09.1933 Brecht vistis Paris.
15.09.1933 with Brecht, travels to Sanary-sur-mer via Marseille.
18-19.10.1933 travels back to Paris. More work on Dreigroschenroman.
10.1933 "intensive" friendship with Walter Benjamin.
19.12.1933 travels to Kopenhagen via Dünkirchen und Esbjerg (where she joined by Brecht).
12.1933 in Kopenhagen, she temporarily lives with Ruth Berlau-Lund.
18.01.1934 Brecht visits Kopenhagen; she visists Svendborg and returns.
25.02.1934 moves in Pension Stella Maris, which is 500 meters away from Brecht residence in Svendborg; works on the new version of Dreigroschenroman.
03.1934 Eisler in Svendborg. The three work on Die Spitzköpfe und die Rundköpfe.
30-31.05.1934 in Kopenhagen, checks on the lungs.
Beginning of July 1934 in Thurö, resides in Karin Michaelis' "Torelore." With Brecht, works on Die Rndsköpfe und die Spitzköpfe and Die Horatier und die Kuratier.
07-10.1934 Benjamin visists Skovsbostand; joint work.
11.09.-Beginning of 10.1934 travels to Moscow.
10.1934-01.1935 checks in hospital and Tiflis; wirtes Wenn er einen Engel hätte und sonnett "Ich erhielt vom lieben Gott ein Schreiben."
13.03-20.05.1935 Brecht travels to Moscow (and joins Steffin in Leningrad).
25.05.1935 returns to Kopenhagen.
13.06.1935 moves to Thurö; again resides at "Torelore."
09.1935 translates Satires of Sostschenko from Russian.
07.10.1935 writes "Geliebter, hast du es denn nicht gelesen?"
11.10.1935 checks in the Öresund-Hospital for lung probelms.
30.11.1935 moves in with Per Knutzon and Lulu Ziegler.
21.12-24.12.1935 travels to Leningrad via Helsingfors.
04.01.1936 arrives in Moscow.
14.01.1936 checks in Moscow Sanatorium. (temporarily resides with Mikhail Koltsov and Maria Osten (16.01-26.01).
26.01.1936 back in Sanatorium where she stays until 10.03.
20.03.-16.05.1936 travels to various parts of the USSR.
21.05.1936 in London, where Brecht still works with Eisler.
29.07.1936 arrives in Kopenhagen, then moves to Svendborg.
29.08.1936 marries Svend Jensen Juul in order to obtain the Danish citzenship.
10.1936 rehearsals for Rundköpfen.
10.10.1936 chekcs in Öresund-Hospital; her tuberculosis has expanded  to her right ear. (when Rundköpfen opens 04.11 in Kopenhagen, she takes a leave from the hospital.)
11-12.1936 writes Die Gesteranna; translates Tagelöhner of Kirk.
13.01.1937 released from the hospital.
02-02.1937 with Brecht, works on "Generäle über Bilbao" (first version of Die Gewehre der Frau Carrar).
05-05.1937 translates Grieg's Die Niederlage.
06-07.1937 more work on Die Gewehre der Frau Carrar.
11.09.1937 moves to Skovsbostrand as Brecht travels to Paris for the performance of Dreigroschenoper.
End of October 1937 Brecht returns Skovsbostrand; works on various scenes of Furcht und Elend des dritten Reiches and Die Geschäfte des Herrn Julius Cäsar.
Mid-December 1937 checks in Sanatorium in Moscow. operations on lungs.
02.01.1938 back to Kopenhagen (with Brecht). (from 03.01-20.01 checks in Öresund-Krankenhaus.)
02.1938 works on Cäsar-Roman.
03.1938 translates Nexö's Erinnerung (volume 3).
06-10.1938 Benjamin in Skovsbostrand.
End of October 1938 with Brecht in Kopenhagen; works on Galileo, on Tui-Roman and on theoretical works with Brecht.
02.20.1939 works on Der gute Mensch von Sezuan.
19.04.1939 in Kopenhagen for the publication of the Svendborger Gedichte.
07.05.1939 leaves Kopenhagen for Schweden by ship (with Barbara and Stefan); more work on the Svendborger Gedichte.
07.1939 translates Der tote Mann, Der verschwundene Bevollmächtigte by Scherfig; works with Brecht on Mutter Courage.
Beginning of November 1939 with Brecht, works on Das Verhör des Lukullus.
01.02.1940 back to Lidingö via Stockholm
17.04.1940 by ship, moves with the Brecht household to Helsinki.
07-09.1940 resides with Hella Wuolijoki in Marlebäck; applies for entry permit to Mexico and Haiti (to enter the USA later).
10-12.1940 resides with hella Wuolijoki and works with her; with Brecht, works on Sezuan and Herr Puntila und Sein Knecht Matti; writes children's story "Purk,""Maria" and "Barbara."
11.11.1940 General rehearsals of Wuolijoki's Niskavuoren Nuovi Emänta.
01.1941 translates Estnischen Kriegslied.
03-04.1941 translates Wuolijoki's Frauen von Niskavuori; with Brecht, works on Der Aufhaltsame Aufstieg der Arturo Ui.
12.05.1941 acquires visitor visa for the US.
15.05.1941 travels to Moscow with the Brecht household and Berlau.
29.05.1941 checks in Snatorium "Hohe Berge" in Moscow.
04.06.1941 dies of tuberculosis.
Steffin, Margarete. Konfutse versteht nichts von Frauen: nachgelassene Texte. Berlin: Rowohlt, 1991.
Wuolijoki, Hella. Sola laul: der Estnische Kriegslied. Stuttgart : Klett-Cotta, 1984.
    [Zusammengestellt und mit Hilfe von Bertolt Brecht und Margarete Steffin ins Deutsche übertragen
     von Hella Wuolijoki.]