Date (Day.Month.Year) | Event | Notes |
21.03.1908 | Margarete Emilie Charlotte Steffin is born in Rummelsburg/ Kreis Niederbarnim. Her father is a construction worker and mother helps the income by sewing at home. | |
27.07.1909 | Sister Herta Frieda born, called "hoppchen." | |
02.08.1913 | Brother Hermann Wilhelm Albert born. (dies 21.08.1913) | |
08.1914 | Father drafted in WWI. | |
1920 | joins the Kindergruppe der Internationalen Arbeiterhilfe (IAH): Sammelaktion Lebensmittel für die russische Hungersnot. | |
1921 | writes a one-hour-length play in verse for Christmas; is produced by three schools. | |
1922 | becomes Luafmädchen at the Deutschen Telefonwerken. | |
1924 | becomes member of the socialdemocratic Touristenverein; apprenticeship as accountant at Globus-Verlag. | |
1925 | with her friends exchange to Gruppe Treptow der Fichte-Wandersparte; editor of club newspaper. | |
1926 | member of the Großberliner Sprechchores. | |
Fall. 1927 | begins a relationshop with Herbert Dymke; Russian language lessons with Saschea Röder; works as bookkeeper at printing shop; also perform solo-recitation at Sunday mantinees. | |
1928 | first-tiem pregnancy and abortion. | |
1929 | secretary at the social-democratic Lehreverband. | |
1930 | second-time pregnancy and abortion. | |
1931 | works at the Rote Revue; attends speech technique course taught by Helene Weigel at MASCH; Ernst Ottwalt writes texts for her. In spring, break-up with Herbert Dymke. | |
02.01.1932 | plays the role of the maid in Brecht's Mother. | |
01.1932 | stays at the Hermannsdörferschen special division. | |
13.05-23.06.1932 | in the USSR.
(Brecht also in Moscow for the first showing of Kuhle Wampe.) |
07-09.1932 | in Utting am Ammersee with Brecht. | |
11.1932 | enters Charité Hospital; wirtes "Zwillinge." | |
01.1933 | again enters Charité Hospital; writes "heute träumt ich, daß ich bei dir läge." | |
22-23.02.1933 | arrives Sanatorium der Deutschen Heilstätte in Agra (Tessin/Schweiz); there writes "Von der Liebe und dem Krieg," "Kinderlandverschickung," "Carmen,""Kleiner Mann, was tun!" "So wurde ich Laufmädchen,""Die große Sache,""Die rote Fahne,""Ich lieg allein im Bett." | |
28.02.1933 | Brecht leaves Berlin (By mid-March, Brecht is in Switzerland looking for a place to stay.) | |
23.03.1933 | Brecht visits Agra. | |
04.1933 | her reports on Krim USSR appears in Terrasse; Hermann Hesse visits in Montagnola. | |
30.05.1933 | in Sanatorium at Agra. rehearses The Boar (Chekhov) and Kleptomanie (Hartung) | |
01-04.06.1933 | travels from Lugano and Basel to Paris. | |
20.06.1933 | Brecht leaves Paris for Thurö. | |
07.1933 | writes "Dir zugeeignet und dir ganz gewogen;" attempts to establish Deutscher Autoren-Dienst (DAD) in Paris to help distribute literary texts by German writers in exile. | |
08.07.1933 | writes "Stell dir vor: es kommen alle Frauen." | |
Mid-August 1933 | in Paris edits the manuscripts of Dreigroschenroman, which Brecht has sent to her consecutively. | |
09.1933 | prepares Brech/Eisler Lieder Gedichte Chöre. | |
10.09.1933 | Brecht vistis Paris. | |
15.09.1933 | with Brecht, travels to Sanary-sur-mer via Marseille. | |
18-19.10.1933 | travels back to Paris. More work on Dreigroschenroman. | |
10.1933 | "intensive" friendship with Walter Benjamin. | |
19.12.1933 | travels to Kopenhagen via Dünkirchen und Esbjerg (where she joined by Brecht). | |
12.1933 | in Kopenhagen, she temporarily lives with Ruth Berlau-Lund. | |
18.01.1934 | Brecht visits Kopenhagen; she visists Svendborg and returns. | |
25.02.1934 | moves in Pension Stella Maris, which is 500 meters away from Brecht residence in Svendborg; works on the new version of Dreigroschenroman. | |
03.1934 | Eisler in Svendborg. The three work on Die Spitzköpfe und die Rundköpfe. | |
30-31.05.1934 | in Kopenhagen, checks on the lungs. | |
Beginning of July 1934 | in Thurö, resides in Karin Michaelis' "Torelore." With Brecht, works on Die Rndsköpfe und die Spitzköpfe and Die Horatier und die Kuratier. | |
07-10.1934 | Benjamin visists Skovsbostand; joint work. | |
11.09.-Beginning of 10.1934 | travels to Moscow. | |
10.1934-01.1935 | checks in hospital and Tiflis; wirtes Wenn er einen Engel hätte und sonnett "Ich erhielt vom lieben Gott ein Schreiben." | |
13.03-20.05.1935 | Brecht travels to Moscow (and joins Steffin in Leningrad). | |
25.05.1935 | returns to Kopenhagen. | |
13.06.1935 | moves to Thurö; again resides at "Torelore." | |
09.1935 | translates Satires of Sostschenko from Russian. | |
07.10.1935 | writes "Geliebter, hast du es denn nicht gelesen?" | |
11.10.1935 | checks in the Öresund-Hospital for lung probelms. | |
30.11.1935 | moves in with Per Knutzon and Lulu Ziegler. | |
21.12-24.12.1935 | travels to Leningrad via Helsingfors. | |
04.01.1936 | arrives in Moscow. | |
14.01.1936 | checks in Moscow Sanatorium. (temporarily resides with Mikhail Koltsov and Maria Osten (16.01-26.01). | |
26.01.1936 | back in Sanatorium where she stays until 10.03. | |
20.03.-16.05.1936 | travels to various parts of the USSR. | |
21.05.1936 | in London, where Brecht still works with Eisler. | |
29.07.1936 | arrives in Kopenhagen, then moves to Svendborg. | |
29.08.1936 | marries Svend Jensen Juul in order to obtain the Danish citzenship. | |
10.1936 | rehearsals for Rundköpfen. | |
10.10.1936 | chekcs in Öresund-Hospital; her tuberculosis has expanded to her right ear. (when Rundköpfen opens 04.11 in Kopenhagen, she takes a leave from the hospital.) | |
11-12.1936 | writes Die Gesteranna; translates Tagelöhner of Kirk. | |
13.01.1937 | released from the hospital. | |
02-02.1937 | with Brecht, works on "Generäle über Bilbao" (first version of Die Gewehre der Frau Carrar). | |
05-05.1937 | translates Grieg's Die Niederlage. | |
06-07.1937 | more work on Die Gewehre der Frau Carrar. | |
11.09.1937 | moves to Skovsbostrand as Brecht travels to Paris for the performance of Dreigroschenoper. | |
End of October 1937 | Brecht returns Skovsbostrand; works on various scenes of Furcht und Elend des dritten Reiches and Die Geschäfte des Herrn Julius Cäsar. | |
Mid-December 1937 | checks in Sanatorium in Moscow. operations on lungs. | |
02.01.1938 | back to Kopenhagen (with Brecht). (from 03.01-20.01 checks in Öresund-Krankenhaus.) | |
02.1938 | works on Cäsar-Roman. | |
03.1938 | translates Nexö's Erinnerung (volume 3). | |
06-10.1938 | Benjamin in Skovsbostrand. | |
End of October 1938 | with Brecht in Kopenhagen; works on Galileo, on Tui-Roman and on theoretical works with Brecht. | |
02.20.1939 | works on Der gute Mensch von Sezuan. | |
19.04.1939 | in Kopenhagen for the publication of the Svendborger Gedichte. | |
07.05.1939 | leaves Kopenhagen for Schweden by ship (with Barbara and Stefan); more work on the Svendborger Gedichte. | |
07.1939 | translates Der tote Mann, Der verschwundene Bevollmächtigte by Scherfig; works with Brecht on Mutter Courage. | |
Beginning of November 1939 | with Brecht, works on Das Verhör des Lukullus. | |
01.02.1940 | back to Lidingö via Stockholm | |
17.04.1940 | by ship, moves with the Brecht household to Helsinki. | |
07-09.1940 | resides with Hella Wuolijoki in Marlebäck; applies for entry permit to Mexico and Haiti (to enter the USA later). | |
10-12.1940 | resides with hella Wuolijoki and works with her; with Brecht, works on Sezuan and Herr Puntila und Sein Knecht Matti; writes children's story "Purk,""Maria" and "Barbara." | |
11.11.1940 | General rehearsals of Wuolijoki's Niskavuoren Nuovi Emänta. | |
01.1941 | translates Estnischen Kriegslied. | |
03-04.1941 | translates Wuolijoki's Frauen von Niskavuori; with Brecht, works on Der Aufhaltsame Aufstieg der Arturo Ui. | |
12.05.1941 | acquires visitor visa for the US. | |
15.05.1941 | travels to Moscow with the Brecht household and Berlau. | |
29.05.1941 | checks in Snatorium "Hohe Berge" in Moscow. | |
04.06.1941 | dies of tuberculosis. |