Welcome to Bobbi's Lame Page

Currently featuring: Semi-Humorous Action Figures

Kirk points to Spock being caught in Thresher

"His ears? Oh, well, he got caught in a Thresher as a small child..."

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Bad Hair Day (A DS9 adventure I did in 1997 for the zine, Toymania)
The Big Huge Page
Worf's Holosuite Adventures
Xena: Warrior Plastique
Other Misc AF Pics
More Misc Pics, mostly Trek

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Comic Book Legal Defense Fund

The Big Red Toybox, for vintage action figures

This page was last updated (oh so slightly) in the first quarter of 2002. (This page was first set up on 12-1-96.)

Photos copyright Bobbi Boyd, 1996-2004.

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Bobbi Boyd

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