the following cards are only the big cards that everyone is interested in. i sell at 75% of the high end of Scrye Magazine, but i can make exceptions if you buy a heapload of cards from me. =c) if there isn't a card there that isn't a main and such, drop me a line with all the cards you are looking for. chances are i'll have it. all the prices that are in brackets are my last heard-of prices from the high end of Scrye. and remember, they're only ESTIMATES!
email me offers at Blue Max
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Light Side Premier Biggs Darklighter - $3.75 (5.00) C-3PO - $15.00 (20.00) Demotion - $3.50 (5.00) Disarmed - $4.00 (6.00) Dutch - $3.75 (5.00) Full Throttle - $2.00 (4.00) Gift of the Mentor x2 - $4.50 EACH (6.00 EACH) Han's Heavy blaster pistol x2 - $5.00 EACH (7.50 EACH) Help me Obi-wan Kenobi - $4.00 (5.50) Into the garbage chute, Flyboy - $3.75 (5.50) Jek Porkins - $2.00 (3.50) Kessel Run x2 - $3.75 EACH (5.00 EACH) Krayt Dragon Howl - $5.00 (7.50) Leesub Sirln - $2.50 (4.00) Leia Organa WB - $15.00 (20.00) Lightsaber Proficiency - $4.50 (6.00) Luke Skywalker - $32.00 (40.00) Mantellian Savrip x2 - $3.75 EACH (5.00 EACH) Millennium Falcon - $17.50 (25.00) Noble Sacrifice - $2.50 (4.00) Obi-Wan's Cape x2 - $7.50 (10.00) Obi-Wan's lightsaber - $8.00 (12.00) Rebel Planners - $3.75 (5.00) Red 3 - $2.50 (4.00) Red leader WB - $2.00 (3.50) Revolution WB - $2.50 (4.00) Solo Han x3 - $5.50 EACH (7.00 EACH) Tantooine:Obi-Wan's hut - $5.00 (7.50) The Force is strong with this one - $3.75 (5.00) Warrior's Courage - $2.50 (4.00) Yavin 4:Massassi Throne Room - $6.00 (8.00)
Dark Side Premier Admiral Motti - $3.75 (5.00) Assault Rifle - $3.00 (4.50) Black 2 - $7.50 (10.00) Boring conversation anyway - $4.50 (6.00) Charming to the last - $4.50 (6.00) Dark Collaboration - $3.75 (5.00) Dark Jedi Presence x2 - $6.00 EACH (8.00 EACH) Disarmed - $4.50 (6.00) Djas Puhr x2 - $3.75 EACH (5.00 EACH) Expand the Empire - $4.50 (6.00) Garindan - $3.00 (4.50) General Tagge x2 - $3.75 EACH (5.00 EACH) I have you now x2 - $3.75 EACH (5.00 EACH) Lateral Damage WB - $1 (2.50) BB - $2 ($4) Lone Warrior x2 - $3.00 EACH (4.50 EACH) Lone Pilot - $3.00 (4.50) Moment of Triumph x2 - $3.75 EACH (5.00 EACH) Prophetess - $3.75 (5.00) Tonnika Sisters - BB $3.00 (4.50) //\\ WB $1.50 (2.75) Turboblaster battery - $3.00 (4.50) Vader's eye - $5.00 (7.50) Vader's lightsaber - $11.00 (14.00) Your powers are weak old man x2 - $5.00 EACH (7.50 EACH)
Light Side ANH Attack Run - $5.00 (7.50) Chewbacca - $14.00 (18.00) Correlia - $3.75 (5.00) Death Star:Trench - $3.75 (5.00) Wookiee Roar - $4.75 (6.50) R2-D2 - $12.00 (16.00) Red 2 - $5.50 (8.00) Red 5 - $9.00 (12.00) They're on Dantooine - $4.00 (5.50) You're all clear kid x2 - $6.00 EACH (8.00 EACH) Wedge Antilles - $18.00 (25.00)
Dark Side ANH Black 4 - $3.75 (5.00) Commence Primary Ignition x2- $5.50 EACH (7.00 EACH) Death Star x2 - $15.00 EACH (20.00 EACH) Death Star Tractor Beam - $2.00 (4.00) DS-61-4 - $3.75 (5.00) Hem Dazon - $4.50 (6.00) I'm on the leader x2 - $4.75 EACH (7.00 EACH) IT-O - $4.00 (5.50) R3-T6 - $3.75 (5.00) Superlaser - $3.75 (5.00) Trooper Davin Felth x2 - $3.75 EACH (5.00 EACH)
Light Side Hoth Anakin's lightsaber - $7.50 (10.00) Artillery remote - $3.75 (5.00) Bacta Tank - $3.75 (5.00) Dack Ralter - $3.50 (5.00) Derek 'Hobbie' Klivan - $3.75 (5.00) Major Bren Derlin - $3.75 (5.00) Rogue 1 - $8.00 (12.00) Rogue 2 x2 - $3.75 EACH (5.00 EACH) Rug Hug - $4.50 (6.00) Surface Defense Cannon - $3.75 (5.00) The first transport is away - $4.50 (6.00) Wes Janson - $3.75 (5.00) You have failed me for the last time - $4.50 (6.00) Zev Scenesa - $3.75 (5.00)
Dark Side Hoth Blizzard Scout 1 - $3.50 (5.00) Blizzard 1 - $5.50 (7.00) Blizzard 2 4.50 (6.00) Captain Lennox - $2 (3.50) Captain Piett - $3.75 (5.00) Collapsing corridor - $2.50 (4.00) Debris zone - $3.75 (5.00) Direct hit x2 - $1.75 EACH (3.00 EACH) Furry Fury - $4.50 (6.00) General Veers - $5.00 (7.00) Image of the Dark Lord - $3.75 (5.00) Target the Main Generator - $5.00 (7.00) Trample - $3.50 (5.00) Wall of fire - $3.00 (4.50)
Light Side Dagobah At Peace - $3.00 (4.50) Dagobah:Bog Clearing - $2.00 (3.50) Effective Repairs - $2.50 (4.00) Egregious Pilot Error x2 - $3.75 EACH (5.00 EACH) Han's Toolkit - $3.75 (5.00) Hiding in the Garbage - $2.50 (4.00) I have a bad feelnig about this x2 - $2.00 EACH (3.50 EACH) Jedi Levitation - $3.00 (4.50) Landing Claw x2 - $3.75 EACH (5.00 EACH) Light Maneuvers - $3.75 (5.00) Luke's backpack - $2.50 (4.00) No disintegrations! - $5.00 (7.50) Obi-Wan's Apparition - $3.75 (5.00) Order to Engage - $3.75 (5.00) Polarized negative power coupling - $4.50 (6.00) Reflection - $4.50 (6.00) We can still outmaneuver them - $3.75 (5.00) What is thy bidding, my master - $4.50 (6.00) Yoda - $27.00 (35.00) Yoda's Gimer Stick - $4.50 (6.00) Yoda's Hut - $5.00 (8.00) Yoda, you seek Yoda - $3.75 (5.00)
Dark Side Dagobah Avenger - $12.00 (16.00) 4-LOM - $3.00 (4.50) 4-LOM's Concussion Rifle - $3.75 (5.00) I have a bad feeling about this x2 - $3.00 EACH (4.00 EACH) Bad Feeling Have I - $3.75 (5.00) Bossk x2 - $5.00 EACH (8.00 EACH) Bossk's mortar gun - $3.50 (5.00) Captain Needa - $3.75 (5.00) Commander Gherant - $2.50 (4.00) Corrosive Damage - $2.50 (4.00) Dagobah:Cave - $2.50 (4.00) Dengar - $5.00 (7.50) Dengar's Blaster carbine - $2.50 (4.00) Executor:Holotheatre - $2.50 (4.00) Failure at the Cave - $3.75 (5.00) Frustration - $3.75 (5.00) Hound's Tooth - $5.50 (8.00) IG-2000 - $5.00 (7.50) IG-88's neural inhibitor x2 - $3.00 EACH (4.50 EACH) IG-88's Pulse Cannon - $4.50 (6.00) Lando system? - $7.50 (10.00) Lieutenant Suba - $3.75 (5.00) Lost in Space - $2.00 (4.00) Mist hunter - $5.00 (7.50) Much anger in him - $4.00 (6.00) Punishing one - $5.00 (7.50) Res Luk Ra'auf x2 - $5.00 EACH (7.50) The Dark Path - $2.50 (3.75) Visage of the Emperor - $3.75 (5.00) Zuckuss' Snare Rifle x2 - $3.75 EACH (5.00 EACH)
Cloud City - Light Glancing Blow - $4.50 Blaster Proficiency - $2.00 (3.50) Rendezvous point on Tatooine - $6.00 (9.00) Frozen Assets - $4.50 (6.00) Cloud City:Dining Room - $3.75 (5.00)
Cloud City - Dark Dark Deal - $3.75 (5.00) Focused Attack - $4.50 (6.00)
SPECIAL CARDS Commander Wedge Antilles - $12.00 Hit and Run - $4.50
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