Gender Bender Party at uni - 1996
From L->R: Big G, Rocko, Sara, Regan, Drew, Matty, and in front, Belinda and me.
Gender Bender - 1996
L->R: Matty, Big G, me, Leigh, Drew and Regan
Gender Bender - 1997
OK, so we dress up a lot! The uni has one of these every year in which everyone goes. It's heaps of fun too!
L->R Paul, Matt, Sim, Al, Me, Mary and Belinda in the front.
I think each year it gets more and more scarier!
Ice Skating
Ice skating with David, Al, my sis Heidi, me, Tamieka and David's sister Krystal
In my room!
As you can see, my room can get incredibly messy especially around exam times and lunch times! Funnily enough, this is back to front though. So it's Al, Leigh, Belinda, Gavin and Mary.
Our house warming party at Orchard Place
Gangster Ball - 1996
This was a ball held by the residential association or something.
L->R: Kylie, Belinda, Leigh and me
More Gangster Ball pics
L->R: Me, Kylie, Belinda, Leigh and Paul
More Gangster Ball
L->R: Belinda, me, Tara, Anna, Kylie, Leigh
Ah ha! Gangster Ball again!
L->R: Belinda, me, Anna, Kylie, Leigh and Paul