The SCA. The Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. A non-profit organization dedicated to the study of the Medieval Ages through recreated the time period. The Barony of the Angels. The home page, maintained by Baron Padraic, for the area surrounding Los Angeles, Ca. The Canton of the Canyons. A subdivison of the Barony of the Angels and located around Arcadia, Ca. The Constable's Page. Lost and found infomation for items lost at Cantonial events. The Royal Army of Caid. Caid is an SCA kingdom and covers Southern California, Hawaii, New Zealand and parts of Nevada. House Blackrune. This is the household I am a member of. Pictures of members and friends are here. The Temple's Hope. Temple's Hope is a subhousehold of Blackrune. The Indigo Rose. The Indigo Rose is a pirate subhousehold of Blackrune. Library. The library contains the books I used to learn HTML and how to make graphics for this and other of my web sites. The L.A. Kings. My favorite hockey club. Betty Page. A hyperlist of sites for my favorite pin-up. Tromaville. A very strange movie studio, home to the Toxic Avenger. McCannas Graphics Help created your own graphics or use the one's she has online. Great site. World of the Vikings. A guide to Vikings on the web. Fonts. A small collection of Viking and other runic language fonts.
CoffeeCup HTML Editor.The easiest HTML editor I've ever used, push a button and do a little typing and you're done. Includes plenty of animated GIFs and Java applets to get you started. (Shareware). Multimedia Explorer.View gifs, jpgs, avis, and most other types of media. file managment is a snap too. (Shareware) LiveImageThis program makes doing client-side maps a snap, it took me longer to make the graphics then to do the mapping using this program. (Shareware)