These are all from freshman year.
Here we are at Emwy's birfdy party, cosmic bowling. Well, we were bowling, before we started the chorus line. It's hard to tell who everyone is, cause the picture was really blurry and the scanner doesn't help, so I'll tell you. From left to right, Geoff, Crin, Patrick, Me, Savanna, Lily (pigtails flying), Jen, and Abby.
(You will notice that this is a very strange assortment of people.)

Here's another picture from cosmic bowling. Crin and Savanna are swing dancing, presenting their dear little bums to the camera. Savanna recited a cool quote about bums in french, in response to this picture, but I forget it. You'll have to ask her.
At the Viennese Ball . . . heheheheh
Here we are, yet again, at our First Day Of Spring party. It actually felt more like the first day of winter, but we had fun anyway.

Zen and the art of seltzer water.

Rollem looking thoughtful.
Maybe he's thinking about his brown eyed girl.
Believe it or not, James actually has a girlfriend ;)
Here are some pictures of Bob. Left, Bob.. uh.. Bob. Right, Bob doing the Mr. Goudeaux look (Mr. Goudeaux was my 9th grade English teacher)