Little Quiggles.

An Elven-maid there was of old . . .

Hrm. Let's see. You're probably wanting to know some Informations about me. Whyfor, I cannot say, but here you go.

Me nom est Bradley. j'ai dix-sept (17) ans. I speak mangled french sometimes. Being seventeen is rather frightening, because I feel old.. and my childhood is disappearing right before my eyes! O, woe is me : ( . . . ahem.. yes. I live in Thee Commonwealthe of Virginia, which is a lovely state (or was before they developed it all). In fact, the Potomac River is my backyard (literally!) Take a peek.

I consider myself an elf.. the foresty Tolkien kind, not the dinky Santa kind. This is partly because of my great love for nature, partly because.. well.. I just am. I have a somewhat hippie-ish outlook on life... I like to stand out from society, cause society is evil. To read more visit my other page.

I am very shortly going to be a senior (!!!) at the Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology in northern Virginia. I absolutely love it . . . I'm so happy I have the opportunity to go there. No, really, it's great.

But anyway....

Hobbyish things include drama (not acting so much as stage crew and such), reading, climbing trees, finding strange and weird vintage clothing in thrift stores, wearing strange and weird vintage clothing, planning cross-country trips in Volkswagons, dancing (anything and anywhere), attending Renaissance festivals, backpacking, being barefoot, hugging, DISC! (also known as ultimate frisbee), and generally just being myself.

My favoritest books in the whole wide world are The Lord of the Rings (first and foremost), Griffin and Sabine, the Wheel of Time, The Egypt Game, Bridge to Terebithia, the Hitchhiker's Guide series, anything by Graeme Base, the Myst/D'ni books, Dinotopia, The Lorax, Ivanhoe, and many others. Mostly I read fantasy/sci-fi in my free time, but I do love classics and I enjoy reading books for school (The Inheritors all the way, baby!).

My favoritest movies in the whole wide world are (in no particular order): The Little Mermaid, Star Wars (4,5,6), The Land Before Time, Braveheart, Tarzan, GATTACA, Robin Hood (animated Disney), Cool Runnings, Benny & Joon, A Dog of Flanders, and Treasure Island (the one with Christian Bale).

My favorite music-y people are Smashing Pumpkins, Garbage, Orbital, Chumbawamba, Loreena McKennitt, The Cranberries, Matchbox 20, Third Eye Blind, Gin Blossoms, Athenaeum, Our Lady Peace, etc. If you'd like know more, click here.

I also like cows, Dr. Seuss, School House Rock, and My Little Ponies!

Virginia Renaissance Faire!

You may see another picture of me here. Well, at least it's me in spirit.

You might once have known me as the happy little elf mage Quiggles on a game called Moosehead SLED. I don't play anymore because I simply don't have time. But I miss you guys a lot.
I guess this is sort of out of date, but you can see a picture of Quigs here. I saw this picture on the cover of a book in Zany Brainy one day and I flipped because it was the exact image of my character.. soo.. I bought it and scanned it (that's why it has the little "Dell Picture Yearling" thing in the Corner.)

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