Well kids, I've been neglecting this webpage for far too long I think. It's been well over 3 years since there have been any meaningful additions to this website. Shame on me. That's all gonna stop now though, because I've decided to try and turn this website into what I always wanted it to be in the first place. So, in the coming months look forward to massive updates in the Black Hole and Star Wars sections of the site, and perhaps even some updates into the art gallery and the Superman casting page. The spider-Man casting site is going to be archived as there's little point in dream casting a film that has already been released. So, hang in their kids, this promises to be one geeky page, I'm excited to be a part of it. I'm tingly already, aren't you? ;)

So, here they are, my casting calls. The Spider-Man page in particular gained a certain amount of noteriety when it was featured in an issue of Entertainment Weekly, without my permission I might add. After that I was flooded with email every day from people who actually believed that I was in charge of casting the film. So, let me make it very clear to the very stupid among you. I am just a guy who likes movies. I am in no way connected with hollywood or any movie studios. I have no casting power, so don't email me telling you that you're "friend" (who 9 times out of 10 turns out to be you anyway) would be perfect for the role. If you desperately want a role, go get yourself some professional head shots and find yourself an agent, because unless they're holding open casting, you're not likely to get a part without an agent.

Casting Directors in Hollywood never cease to amaze me with their near cosmic levels of stupidity. Really, how else do you explain such brilliant casting choices as Matthew Broderick for "Inspector Gadget", or Nick Cage for "Superman". William Hurt as Duke Leto Atriedes in the miniseries "Dune". Sometimes I feel like they're looking for the actor who is as far removed from the character being cast as possible. THis also explains why Ashton Kutcher is getting so much work lately, these people want to cast him in everything I swear to god.

These are my casting calls, where I cast the roles to those actors whom I think best embody the physical characteristics of their respective character and whom are in possesion of sufficient acting talent to pull them off. It doesn't seem like much, but when you look at Hollywood's track record in this regard, well, you can figure it out for yourself.

Below, my dear friends, are two links. The "Gallery" link is where you will find my various drawings and doodles and the like. Some good, some not so good, most of which I've deemed at least fair enough to be publicly posted on my page. The preceeding words were written sometime in the early year 2000, and I have to say my tastes, and what I deem worthy of public viewing have changed drastically. I'm going to leave these up for the time being, as I'm currently not in the position to fix the page (as I am at school and do not currently have access to my archive). If you have any comments, let me know :)
The S:A&B link will lead you to my site having to do with the television series "Space: Above and Beyond". Lots of information about the short lived series, and also the Home of the Western Canadian fan club, the 244th Midnight Furies (Of which I just happen to be the vice-president, or equivalent thereof). Take a look. It would also be a good idea to keep in mind that organized fandom surrounding SAAB has pretty much disintergrated. The 244th no longer exists as a fan entity, and is remembered solely through the website at this point. I update it when I can, but as there is so very little to update, don't expect the page to be terribly interesting upon repeat viewings. If there is news, I post it on the front page, so if it changes you'll know right away.

And now, the final two links which I have been shamefully neglecting. On the left, a link to my page focusing on Disney's 20 million dollar space epic (these are the phrases of the time, and trust me, in '79, 20 million was not just a celebrity's paycheck) "The Black Hole" a fine bit of cinematic fromage that I believe is worthy of some note, also currently a centerpoint of one of my many "Projects" which you will learn about in due course. There's nothing on this page save for a pretty little main graphic I whipped up uin photo shop before I completely lost interest in pursuing the page any further than the opening paragraph. However, Eventually my guilt on this matter will spur me into action and there will be actual content on the page.
On your right, the link to my Star Wars page. Here I discuss my thoughts, opinions and views on the greatest film epic of our time, and quite obviously, my favourite films of all time. Or rather, this link *would* lead you to such things had I ever bothered to do them, which I did not. The state of my Star Wars fandom has been in a major state of flux during the prequel era we find ourselves in, as I really really dislike the prequels rather intensely. Such being the case, it's likely that my accumulated malice for all things prequel will eventually explode, I suspect around the time of Episode III's release, so stay tuned for some major bitch fests coming in the future.