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What is 40k?

My Two Cents Worth
Bile's Paper Vehicle Page
Army Lists
Work Bench

Well if your looking at this page you probably already know... But for you all who have stumbled here out of curiosity I'll give you a brief run down.

40K (as it's sometimes called) is a game where you purchase these over priced lead, pewter, or plastic miniatures, and play army men with them. You can play on the floor, on a table or even in the tub if you want to (just don't ask me to come over and play). But the best place to play is on a 4' x 8' table made out of plywood and all dressed up to look like your favorite piece of real estate. In other words, its a more expensive version of army men.

The 40k our gaming group plays is probably a lot different from the kind most people play. First, our house rules streamline play and make the phases of the game look something like this:

  1. Movement
  2. Shooting
  3. Hand to Hand Combat
  4. Rally

In my humble opinion (that and 7 bucks will get me into a movie...) makes the game a more strategic, weapons of war, oriented game. Each race still has the physical, and technological advantages that it had, so each plays different from the other making each game different and exciting. I found that by playing like this I can avoid the "My Mega- dude uses the warp card from Hades and melts all your marines instantly" scenario. I'd much rather play a game where I get the socks beat off of me by a better tactician than by "Zorbo the Wonder Gretchen" who has every conceivable warp war gear card.

The second way that we differed is that we use any minis and only certian armies (see below). It doesn't matter to us if the minis are produced by Games Workshop, Harlequins, Target Games or Bubba the Mini maker. As long as they some what resemble the army they are trying to portray. Some examples of minis that we have used in the past include:
Space Rangers as Space Marines (No, not Buzz Lightyear dolls...)
Battle Tech Toys as Dreadnaughts (The Big ones would make great Titans!)
Star Ship Trooper Bugs as Tyrannid Carnifex.

The Armies we allow in play are:
Imperial Guard
Space Marines