Star Trek Actors & Actresses (M)

? = No Information / ! = No Picture / & = Non-Acting Part

  1. Charles Macauley! (Landru; Jaris) - The Return Of The Archons-22; Wolf In The Fold-36
  2. Janet MacLachlan! (Charlene Masters) - The Alternative Factor-20
  3. Ed Madden! (Enterprise Geologist) - The Cage-1
  4. Buck Maffei! (Ape Creature) - The Galileo Seven-14
  5. Blaisdell Makee! (Spinelli; Singh) - Space Seed-24; The Changeling-37
  6. Don Mankiewicz! (& Writer) - Script-15
  7. Stephen Manley! (Spock - age 17) - TSFS
  8. Mario Marcelino! (Comm Officer - USS Grissom) - TSFS
  9. Theo Marcuse! (Korob) - Catspaw-30
  10. Peter Marko (Gaetano) - The Galileo Seven-14
  11. Steve Marlo! (Zabo) - A Piece Of The Action-49
  12. Bruce Mars! (Air Force Policeman) - Tomorrow Is Yesterday-21
  13. Don Marshall (Lieutanant Boma) - The Galileo Seven-14
  14. Joan Marshall! (Areel Shaw) - Court Martial-15
  15. Sarah Marshall! (Janet Wallace) - The Deadly Years-40
  16. William Marshall! (Dr. Richard Daystrom) - The Ultimate Computer-53
  17. Joel Marstan! (Crew Chief) - TWOK
  18. Arlene Martel! (T'Pring) - Amok Time-34
  19. Jeffrey Martin! (Electronics Tech) - TVH
  20. Merde Martin! (Cremember) - The Changeling-37
  21. Richard Matheson! (& Writer) - Script-5
  22. Samuel Matlovsky! (& Composer) - 41
  23. Ralph Maurer! (Bilar) - The Return Of The Archons-22
  24. Maurishka??! (Zahra) - Operation: Annihilate-29
  25. Charles Maxwell! (Virgil Earp) - Spectre Of The Gun-56
  26. Danny McCauley! (& Assistant Director) - TMP
  27. Judy McConnel! (Tankis) - Wolf In The Fold-36
  28. James L. McCoy! (& Make-up) - TSFS
  29. Oliver McGowan! (Caretaker) - Shore Leave-17, 14A
  30. Ed McReady! (Creature; Dr. Carter; A Barbar) - Miri-12; The Omega Glory-54; Spectre Of The Gun-56
  31. Joseph Mell! (Earth Trader) - The Cage-1
  32. Richard Merrifield! (Air Force Technician) - Assignment Earth-55
  33. Bob Miles! (DeForest Kelley's Double) - Miri-12
  34. Allan Miller! (Alien Ship Captain that McCoy tried to hire) - TSFS
  35. Lawrence Montaigne! (Decius) - Balance Of Terror-9
  36. Ricardo Montalban (Khan Noonian Singh) - Space Seed-24, TWOK
  37. Leonard Mude! (Second Survivor) - The Cage-1
  38. Eddie Murphy - Was almost cast in TVH, and Leonard Nimoy says he's a big-time fan of Star Trek.

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