Gene Roddenberry Tribute

I wish I could have had the opportunity to meet Gene Roddenberry. I would like to have told him how much I enjoyed his Star Trek creation, and his positive outlook for the future. I am sure it would have been the same thing he had heard at least a million times before. However, it does not strike me that he would have been tired of the compliment. He said himself he had no idea Star Trek would be so popular and was quite surprised and overjoyed at it all. There are two main things I like most about Gene's Star Trek creation. First, in many of the Original Series episodes there was a scripture in some form referenced from the Bible. I know he believed the Bible to be no more special than any other philosophy book. I disagree because I believe the Bible to be the Word of God. However, I'm glad the Bible was his philosophy book of choice. Second, is his obvious desire of equality for all. Bigotry has no place in modern society (or any society for that matter). Star Trek exudes at it's very core his desire and belief that someday this will become a reality. We can only hope it will. Thank you, Gene, for sharing your vision of the future. And thank you Majel for watching over and taking care of him. It is a fact that behind every great man is an even greater woman. Your loss, in some measure, is shared by me and millions of other fans.

-- Curtis Fox - October 5, 1999
[Gene Roddenberry]
[Star Trek TOS]