it be? A DC Comic book webpage that is
actually as much fun as the comics themselves? Well,
no...but we're pretty darn close! We're
Team Oracle, a veritable DC Comics "Love Shack" it were. Team
Oracle is an offshoot of the swingingest DC mailing list on all the internet,
DCU-L. To subscribe, scribble a subjectless email to
that reads "subscribe DCU-L" and then you're set!
But we're not some elitist "only we can publish on our, oh, so cool website"
snobs. If you have anything you'd like to share with the class,
be it a comic review, article, or some really good home made cookies, drop
them in our mail bag, and we'll be glad
to put them up. Also, if you have any DC questions, stuff those in there
too...we'll try our darned hardest to answer them!
All Too Exciting Web-Counter:
Last Updated: June 29, 1998
Member of
DC, Superman, J'onn J'onnz, The Flash, Platinum, Wonder Woman, Batgirl,
and all other characters mentioned or described on this site are copyright
1997 DC Comics. They appear here soley for purposes of review. Used without
permission. Design, text, and "Team Oracle" are not theirs, but let's face
it, not much to speak of anyway.