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Orderly books OK, so why is Lady Paladin managing a BookStore?
What does she get out of this?!


I earn a commission through all the sales that this site makes. I am essentially advertising for, and I get rewarded for it. I get 5% sales made through linking to their page, 5% on all sales made through the search engine, and 15% on all purchases of my personal recommendations. Obviously, I am hoping that a lot of people will use this site to buy books, especially the books I recommend. I simply do the linking; Amazon handles the sale and the shipping.

Have any questions about it? Go to's main site -- they have a link from there to their Associate FAQ (but buy some books while you're at their site, too! ;) ).

If you still have questions, you can mail me at At this time, I'm only posting book recommendations by people I already know. If you have a question about the program, go to Amazon and search for your answer. If you have any other questions (not book commentaries, please) go ahead and mail me and I'll do my best to answer it.

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