
      The Role-player's Guide assumes you have already read the Beginner's Guide, and are familiar with such concepts as object creation, adding features, how to move about and look at objects, and how to use moomail. You are not expected to remember the proper command syntax for most of these, however, as that will be reviewed here.


      1. Some basic terms
      2. Setting yourself up for role-playing
        1. Equipment
        2. Features
        3. Newsgroups
        4. Registering with an MTS
      3. How to use your new equipment and abilities
        1. Communication
        2. Other verbs
        3. Weapons
        4. Hammerheads & ISSCVs
      4. Role playing
        1. Training

      Some basic terms

      Taken from the barracks bulletin board on the MOO:
      Char      Your character    Refers to the moo identity you set up for yourself
      IC        In-character      The time you spend acting as your moo character
      OOC       Out-of-character  The time you spend on-line as your real self
      RL        Real life         Hopefully self-explainatory
      RP        Role-playing      While IC, acting out a series of fictional events
                                  either by yourself or with a small group

      Setting yourself up for role-playing


      Here is a list of equipment that you will need for basic role-playing on WildcardMOO, and how to get it:

      A weapon: '@create #178 called M-590'
      A hammerhead: '@create #875 called your_hh_name'


      Here is a complete list of features that you will need in preparation for roleplaying. You can check your current list by typing '@features'.

      Social verbs: '@addfeature $social'
      Military verbs: '@addfeature #398'
      Role-playing verbs: '@addfeature #998'
      Other good features to have: #584, #1209, #1269, #1347


      You will need to be subscribed to a minimum number of newsgroups. You should already by default be subscribed to *news, and you will want to also subscribe to *rp for the latest role-playing schedules and information.

      To check which groups you are subscribed to, type: '@subscribed'
      To get a list of other newsgroups, type: '@unsubscribed'
      To subscribe to a group, type: '@subscribe *name_of_group'
      (example - type '@subscribe *rp' to get the role-players newsgroup.)
      To read the latest news (and moomail), type: '@nn'

      Registering with an MTS

      There is currently one MTS on WildcardMOO, the 22nd 'Ghostcats'. You can find the squadron barracks located conveniently off of the Twilight Zone. Feel free to wander in and have a look around. If you decide you want to join, moomail Octavia ('@send Octavia' then 'Joining 22nd'). She will take care of adding you to the squadron's comm system, and you can then claim a bunk in the barracks ('@sethome').

      How to use your new equipment and abilities


      MTS squadrons have their own IC communications channels, which allow you to simulate talking to your squadmates on headsets like those worn in several SAAB episodes.

      Once you have been added to a squadron's comm channel, for example the 22nd, you use the comm by typing '=22 message'.
      Everyone on the comm channel (including yourself) sees something like: [22nd] Kedra radios: message

      You can get a roster of everyone on your channel by typing 'roster 22' (using 22nd squadron as an example). Contact Octavia (or a channel op, if you know who that is) to be added to a comm channel. The exception is the public comm channel, which you can add yourself to by typing 'onpub', and remove yourself by typing 'offpub'.

      Other verbs

      Some other useful verbs are:

      If I want to talk OOC, I type: 'ooc message'
      Everyone in my location (including myself) sees: [OOC from Octavia]: message

      If I want to do an OOC emote, I type 'ooc: message'
      Everyone in my location sees: [OOC] Octavia message


      You can create a projectile weapon for yourself by typing '@create $weapon called M-590'. Next, you have to find the armory (off of the engineering flats), 'put' your weapon in the loader, 'activate loader', and 'get' your weapon back out of the loader. This loads it with 15 projectiles, which are spent when you shoot at something, whether you hit or miss. The shoot verb is 'shoot something with M-590'.


      Hammerheads are designed to fly around the moo, and to be used in rp-combat. Here is an excerpt from the hammerhead help file:

      To create your own hammerhead, type '@create #875 called my_hh_name'.
      To get a list of commands on your hammerhead, type 'com' once inside.
      (1) Getting in and out
      enter name_of_ship
      (2) Looking around
      win    - allows you to look out of the cockpit.
      lidar  - shows what else is in the same location your ship is.
      iff    - shows a little more information (and an object number) for anything
               currently showing up on your lidar.
      locate - will locate another ship, given its object number, even if it is
               no longer in the same location as your ship.
      (3) Flying
      des        - will show all destinations programmed into your ship.
      fly place  - will let you fly your hh to a specific place.
                   Places may be specified by object number, by a name on
                   the ship's lidar, or by the (full) name of a place on the
                   ship's customizable destinations list.
      dock       - only applies to the Saratoga's flight deck.
      follow     - Allows you to follow another hh, given it's object number.
      (4) Customizing your hammerhead
      @add_dest - allows you to add new destinations (by item #) to your ship.
      @rm_dest  - takes them back off again.
      (5) Combat and emoting
      shoot - allows you to shoot at an object on lidar by name.
      emote - allows you to emote actions to people in other ships in the same
              region of space.  ex - ':swerves.' shows everyone My_hh_name swerves.
      For a list of other verbs and their syntax, type 'com' while inside your ship.


      ISSCVs work like the hammerheads, except that it takes a group to utilize all of it's functions. Here is an excerpt from its help file:

      To create your own ISSCV, type '@create #774 called ISSCV ###'.  
      Example: @create #774 called ISSCV 954.
      The ISSCV works much the same way as the hammerheads 'help #875', except that 
      it allows more than one player inside, many of the messages echo to everyone 
      in the ship, and there are several distinct stations to be manned.
      The stations are: pilot, copilot, forw*ard_gunner, aft*_gunner, turr*et_gunner,
      and comm*unications, each of which have their own special function.  To man 
      a station, type 'man station_name'.  To leave a station, type 
      'unman station_name', or simply 'stand*_up'.  When you leave the ISSCV, 
      you will automatically unman your station.
      Some of the commands available to the pilot and copilot are 
      'pre*-launch_checks', 'launch', 'fly here to someplace', 'des*tinations', 
      'hover', 'dock', 'land', 'lidar', 'follow something', 'locate something', 
      and 'iff something'. 
      Some of the commands available to the various gunners are: 'lidar', 
      'iff something', 'hud', 'locate something', and of course 'shoot something'.
      Some of the commands available to the communications officer are: 
      'r*adio message', 'cd music_type', and the various verbs for adding and 
      removing headsets and other ships to the comm channels.
      Commands anyone can (and should) use are: 'com*mands', 'enter ship', 
      'leave', and 'win*dow'.
      Please keep in mind that the ISSCVs are not made for one person to fly and 
      fight in.  That's what the hammerheads are for.  You can fly an ISSCV by 
      yourself, but cannot access the commands used by the gunners or communications 

      Role Playing

      There are currently a number of rp positions available, of which only the pilot/infantry types require substantial moo training, as they are expected to do the most vigorous role-playing.

      If you would like to be a medical or flight crew roleplayer, simply moomail/talk to Octavia to set up a short 10 minute orientation/training session.

      Pilot/Infantry Training

      Marine (and maybe later Navy) pilot/infantry personnel need to undergo a full 4-session training period to gain experience with weapons, ships, and various types of combat and social role-playing. (See scenarios) Pilot/infantry trainees need to enroll in the 22nd squadron for training, currently being conducted by Octavia and Gypsy.

      To get started, complete the steps on this web page in order to get all of your equipment, comms, and features set up. Make the 22nd Ghostcat barracks your home. Attend rp sessions wherever possible until you have completed each of the 4 training sessions needed to graduate. Read the *rp newsgroup regularly, as the most recent information is always posted there. Also check the bulletin board in the barracks from time to time to see if there is any new information.

      Post Training

      For pilots/infantry - upon graduation from the MTS you will be assigned to a squadron (usually of your choice). The squadron may be an established one needing more members or a new one. I would like to try to keep squadron strengths to between 4 and 8 active members wherever possible. Transfers between squadrons will be permitted, provided all parties agree.

      Please subscribe at this time to *98, *rp (if you haven't already), your squadron newsgroup (such as *66, *3, *14, or *32), and *stars (to get the official rp newspaper). This will enable you to keep in the know about upcoming events. You should also check out the newspaper G.I. GeeQued (a fun rp newspaper on the web run by Lt. Darious).

      Finally, there is additional information on ranks, current squadrons, and rp positions available on the next page.

      If you have suggestions for what you would like to see in this guide, please let me know at Thanks.

      Last updated and links tested on 10-1-97.

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