Home > ATXF > Nostalgia > SUNBURN: ALYS (putting words to the letters)

Subject: SUNBURN:  ALYS (putting words to the letters)
From: annette_fraser@uow.edu.au (Annette Fraser)
Date: Thu, 17 Oct 1996 11:58:17 +1000
Organization: University of Wollongong

Ok, yes I admit it, I have far too much time on my hands.  But since Mab
came up with the Always Lovable Yet Seductive expanded form of ALYS, I've
been thinking of making an automatic put words to the letters thingy (love
that technical language) sort of like the B Grade Movie Title Generator.  
For no reason other than it's a good displacement activity when you're
trying to look like you're working but you're not actually doing anything

So you can take any word from the first column, any word from the second
column, 'yet' from the third column (because I couldn't find any 'y' other
words that would work) and any word from the fourth column and come up with
lots of things that ALYS can stand for :-).
agreeably		        laconic		    yet		 sacrosanct
abjectly		         ladylike				       sadistic
abnormally		       lairy					         saintly
abysmally		        languishing			    	salacious
accidentally	      lascivious			     	salient
absurdly		         lasting			        	salubrious
accordingly	      	lateral				       	sanguine
accursedly		       lathered		       		sanitary
acidly			          latvian			        	sane
acoustically	     	laudatory		      		sapid
addictively		      laughing		      	 	sapient
admirably		        laughable	     	 		sarcous
adoringly		        learning			       	satanic
adorably		         leather			        	satirical
advisedly		        leaving			        	satisfying
aggressively	 	    lecherous	      			satisfactory
agriculturally	    legendary	       		saucy
alternatively		    legible		         	savage
altruistically    	legless		        		sexy
amphibiously	      leisurely      				scandalous
amusingly		        lenient			        	scientific
anachronistically 	lemon			          	scrumptious
analytically	     	lethargic	      			scrupulous
ancestrally	      	leaning			        	secretive
anatomically      	late				          	seismic
angularly		        level-headed	    		sensible
angelically	      	levitating		     		sensate
animatedly		       lewd				          	serene
apocalyptically   	lickerish		      		shameless
appealingly		      lifelike			       	shrewd
appreciatively	    likeable			       	skittish
aquatically	      	limber			         	sinful
arboreally		       lingering	      			solicitous
ardently		         listenable		     		sophisticated
arrestingly	      	literal					       spasmodic
artistically	     	lively					        spirited
assertively	      	loony					         special
athletically	     	loquacious			     	surprising
astutely		         loving				         symbolic
astoundingly      	lucid					         stupefying
audaciously		      luminescent				spectacular
attractively	     	luscious				surviving
automatically	     lyrical					sybaritic			

__     __   _           _                  |\      _,,,---,,_
\ \   / /__| |_   _____| |_          ZZzzz /,`.-'`'    -.  ;-;;,_
 \ \ / / _ \ \ \ / / _ \ __|              |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ (  `'-'
  \ V /  __/ |\ V /  __/ |_              '---''(_/--'  `-'\_) fL
   \_/ \___|_| \_/ \___|\__|   "Wake me before next Wednesday night..."
===+===+===+===+===+==+ afraser@pop.uow.edu.au +==+===+===+===+===+===
===+| The Merchandise Queen  |  AFAS #0  |  NNAS#2  | Kheldarian |+===
===+===+===+===+===+= Annette's Word of the Week =+===+===+===+===+===
galeanthropy - the delusion that one is a cat - Psychiatric Dictionary
                                                (5th Edition)

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