Cruisin along the highways of the Internet, enjoying the blue skies, the bright sunshine and the fresh spring air, you pass a sign saying

You have now entered Geocities


Looking for a peaceful spot to stop and relax for awhile, you pull off at Exit 51 and enter a rather unusual little neighborhood.

You get the feeling that something is not quite right. Looking around, you think everything looks normal. Then you notice the flying saucer hovering above the house on the left, the weird purple bug-eyed aliens coming out of the corner store, and the strange man dressed in a robe and casting spells in the park at the end of the street.

Your curiosity piqued, you wonder just where you are. Pulling into a nearby driveway you notice the letters


are burned into the garage door.

You find the front door unlocked and open it, calling out to anyone inside. There's no answer!

You walk into the house and find a solitary room completely empty save these three doors on the far wall. Something unseen beckons you on.........

and a pedastal with a book on it in the corner. The sign above says "Please sign in."


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people have stopped here since 12 May 1997, to pay homage to the DragonGod.

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