These animated GIF's were made using Photoshop, Paint Shop Pro's Animation Shop, and MD2 Viewer. MD2 Viewer is used for viewing Quake 2 models and skins. What I did to make these was to choose a specific animation for each model using MD2, set the background colour to either green, red, or blue, then do a screen capture of each frame of the animation (without moving any windows around on the desktop.) I then took the screen captured images into Photoshop and removed all the stuff I didn't want in the animation by resizing the canvas twice. You then switch the pallete to Adaptive and export it as a GIF89a and choose the bg colour as your trasparent color. The images are then taken into Animation Shop and linked together creating an animated GIF. Sounds like a lotta work, eh? Well if you use the software features it can be done quickly and fairly easily. I hope you like what I've created here Note: I did NOT create these models or skins! I just made
the animations.
Watch here for more to come!
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