"Thank you for calling Customer Care, may I have your last name please?"
"Wow, your name is part of my job title, may I have your first name
"How may I help you, you Old Bastard!?"
"I haf thif web addreff thaf I wanf to get offf of thishf listsfff"
"Put in your teeth you Old Bastard!"
"Sorry, I have this web address that I need to remove for the url list."
"Oh, visiting the porno sites and now you don't want the old bag to
know, eh! You dirty Old Bastard"
"Well, uhh......."
"So basically you don't want Mrs. Bastard to get online and see the web sites that you visit to polish the old pole, eh!"
"No problem, I can help with this. Go to run, type regedit, there will
be about 6 HKEY settings, you'll want to get rid of all of these."
"Huh, slow down!!"
"Keep up with me you old bastard, I'll disconnect and your old lady will see the page where you play tug of war with one eye."
"Ok, sorry."
"That's better, did you do what I said?"
"Yes. Are you sure that this will do the trick?"
"Yep, now shut off your computer, the next time you restart, you won't
see a thing"
"Heeeeey thhaannkkssdfff"
"Get some polygrip before you call again, you Old Bastard! Put your
teeth back in!!"
"Sorry, thanks for the help."
"No problem, IT'S MY JOB. For our records, may I get your e-mail
Later, in the newsgroup
alt.homos.with.veneral.disease.over.85.years.old.with.false.teeth wrote: Elderly couple are looking for
nights of pleasure with gay bikers over 400 pounds.