Greetings and Merry Meet. I trust that I am finding you quite well this day. Well to my dark corner within the web. I trust your stay has been interesting and exciting. I have been and still am working quite diligently on my home for everyone's enjoyment. If this is a repeat visit you will realize that things are quite different from when you saw it last. I have broken eveything up so that it is easier to navigate through. I will be adding sites and information pertaining to Paganism, BDSM, polyamoury and of course goth among other things. As you may have noticed on my main page you can now contact me through ICQ. Please drop me a line. I always love hearing from my fans. Emails are also always appreciated. I just recently created a room on IRC. It is called The_Vampyric_Tavern and it can be found at I hope to see some of you in there. Soon I will be putting up a page so that people will finally know about me. You maybe surprised at what I tell you. One final thing is that I have created an email disussion list pertaining to Paganism and other spiritual. I am currently looking for people to subscribe and of those, people who wish to moderate and keep discussion. I have a better chance of the Gods coming to dinner than getting people to talk. If you are interested please click here or simply go to my Pagan Page at the bottom and subscribe there. Either way I hope that this will be a good way for us to share ideas and have someplace to call home. Please feel free to look around and if you have some info or anything that you would like to see on here please let me know. Till we meet again....