Watch This Spot for Information on the Upcoming Miniseries, Based on the Original Film!

I haven't heard anything new for awhile, but for those of you who missed it, here is the original "News Flash" posted on the main THX page a few months ago:

NEWS FLASH! THX Miniseries in the works!

Yes it's true! Lucasfilm is currenly negotiating with FOX television to produce a four-hour miniseries based on the film, which should air in early 1999 and should be released on video shortly after. It will be "an updated re-make" of the original. This news comes directly from Mr. Lucas's personal assistant. I will post any additional news I receive on this page, so watch this spot!

I will update this page as more news becomes available, so watch this spot! I'll probably also post bits of news on the main page for a few weeks, so come again! :-)

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