Dear surfer,

My name is Troels Pleimert. I am the maintainer and distributor of the Official Space Quest FAQ. I'm sorry to inform you that the FAQ is currently no longer being updated, and probably never will in the future.

The two main reasons for this is, 1) the virtual death of Space Quest with the cancellation of SQ7 last Christmas, and 2) the main focusing of action and mindless arcade games by the contemporary gaming industry. For a more detailed explanation of this, please see my website at

In my eyes, Roger Wilco is dead, and the Space Quest series has been firmly killed and buried by the corporate executives of Sierra On-Line, or whomever is owning the company this week. (They seem to be changing owners like normal people change underwear these days.)

I'm sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused. Thank you for your interest.

- Sincerely, Troels Pleimert

Please note that you are still allowed to carry version 2.0 on your website, as long as you inform your visitors that it is horribly incorrect and is to be considered a "back issue".

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