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Offical-Like News Thingy
August 25, 2005 Well, looky there. It's been over 6 months and I still haven't changed nothin! Hah. Ah well, at least I fixed that one Myspace link below this post. That's something right? Right? Well it was bugging >ME< anyway. I have at least a dozen more web comics to add to my ever-growing (if slow to update) list. Perhaps I'll get around to that...sometime... hah. January 7, 2005 Okay, I lied. I don't think I've added crap in ages. But HAPPY NEW YEAR anyway! I recently signed up (like 20 minutes ago) for a MySpace account. There it is, linked right there and you prolly missed it didn't you? Bad! Click the LINKY!!! Comon, you KNOW you want to. Everyone ELSE is doing it.... December 10, 2004 Update-O-Rama! hehe, I'm going to ad several more web comics to the list. It's getting pretty long actually, I may have to break it up shortly into several pages. I'm thinking of organizing them by how often the comic updates... but that would be a lot of work. So I'm thinking of maybe not doing that. The Livejournal is rolling alone, although I'm a little disappointed by itself, as it's pretty subscription based now. Previously you could do a lot more... I'm thinking there are other blogging tools and communities out there, we'll see. Otherwise, I'm still in work. Got extended 10 January 14th 2005. Only two more years till my 10 year HS reunion... yeesh. I wonder if I could get my dad to rent a helicopter or something neat for me to arrive in. lol Anyway, ramble ramble. Go read webcomics, they pass the time quite satisfactorily. November 12, 2004 Still working, my job got extended. So too do the website updates, woohoo. I've added links to my Livejournal and my Deviant Art page over on the "About" page. So you can see my art, read my ramblings (more than these ramblings even!), and even look at pictures of me. (Who wouldn't want to see me? wait, everyone...) Or you could skip all that and just go look at the web comics I have painstakingly listed for your (Read: My) amusment and entertainment. November 3, 2004 Well well well. Looks like I was right, although my margin was a little large. Pretty good guess though, considering I was only off by 8 electorals. (Bush 274, Kerry 254, Nader? Shafted.) Sometimes, I hate being right... November 2, 2004 Well, I cast MY vote for Nader. Naturally he won't win, but I can't stand the thought of voting for ether of the biggies. They are both too radical, Bush is too warlike, and Kerry is too pacifist. Not that it matters what I think ether, since I'm *PREDICTING* Bush to win by about 30 electorals at least. There are too many sheep looped into September 11th and the like. WHICH *don't flame me* the US may have been at fault for ANYWAY. Was at fault. IF it wasn't planned completely BY the US for the purpose of inciting fear so that the Patriot act could be passed (or it's like), even then the terrorists were almost directly US trained and supplied. What's more, they (the CIA, the Pres, etc) KNEW it was going to happen! Just like Pearl Harbor! October 18, 2004 Well, my job draws to a close.. and so too will my updates quite likely. I never seem to need this page except when I'm working. But aside from that, 6 or 7 more comics have been added. And I think I'll be adding some non-comics-but-still-funny stuff later. If I feel like it.. Mwa. September 22, 2004 Welcome welcome! I've recently changed a bunch of stuff, going to add a ton of comix and remove a couple dead ones. Yup, I have a job. Jobs are good for keeping up on webcomix. ;)P June 15, 2003 Welcome to the newly renovated Homepage of Cliff... I'm sure it's exciting and all so please try to contain your glee long enough to look around and see all the new stuff and incredibly long run-on sentences and all of that sort of thing, uhhhh, yeah. =) This site is optimized for somewhere between 800x600 and 1280ish 1024ish... Reproduction of this site in whole or part, without express written consent of Soulshadow's Net-works, is in violation of US and International copyright. ©2005 Last updated: January 7, 2005 *DING!**ZING!* Disclaimer: If the navigation bar looks F***'D up, its your computers' fault. Try using a real resolution and not resizing images and text, yuck. |