Solitaire Sketch

An artsy blue wallpaper.
I was trying for a completely different effect than the one that I got, but I can't say that I'm displeased.

1152x864 (1.12M)
1024x768 (1.50M)
800x600 (996k)
A bright squiggly design.
I did this one really quickly during a LAN party. Not sure why, really.

1152x864 (842k)
1024x768 (728k)
800x600 (484k)
As I was at a LAN party, it got to the point where the above squiggly background was just too bright, so I tweaked it.
1152x864 (851k)
1024x768 (744k)
800x600 (493k)
An image I did for the back of our fourth semester game box... it's a zombie, dressed in one of those Charlie Brown t-shirts, rocking out to his walkman.
And then backgroundized!

1152x864 (123k)
1024x768 (116k)
I've been reading way too much 8-Bit Theater.
This background has a lot of empty space, because about 1/3rd of my desktop is cluttered with icons, and I design these for my use, usually.

Move along.

1152x864 (12.8k)
1024x768 (12.4k)
See above comment.
1152x864 (14.6k)
1024x768 (14.2k)
A quick sketch of Beat from Jet Set Radio Future made into a wallpaper... I was really just playing around with some effects I'd found on a tutorial site.
I like it, and if you do as well, then good.

If you'd prefer it in a different size, drop me a line.

1024x768 (1.16M)

The front cover of the box we made for our 3rd semester game: Grave Digger
The image was drawn and colored in Adobe Photoshop 5.0
The front cover of the box we made for our 4th semester game: Grave Digger: The Plot Thickens
The image was retouched from the previous design in Adobe Photoshop 6.0

Yes, I know it's kind of cheezy, but my group liked it.

From site inception until 08.12.2001
White backgrounds, light blue boxes, and shadowed text links...
I probably would have stayed with design for longer, but my computer suddenly developed an ailment that took me a long time to fix.

© copyright 2001 - Don't take my stuff, yo.