Want to contribute to this site? We are in need of artists and writers, you'll be given full credit for anything sumitted, and you'll also help this site out alot, with the help of the guests this site can grow and grow. Any ways, here's what we need. Art drawn with any materia retaining to one of the themes of the page, which would be one of the following. Desert, forest, swamp, plains, and mountains. New idea's or themes will also be taken. For writing, its the same idea, it has to describe one of the area's, iwhen we recive it, we may slightly modify it to correct things like the reader's perspective and how much they interact with the scene. We do need your help, so if your willing to do something for us, please let us know at GreyDragon@Mindless.Com
Thanks in advance,
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created March 1st 1998 - The original page, GreyDragon's Lair was created
July 27th 1997