Fluent in Windows NT workstation and server, 2000 Professional, server and Advanced server, XP Professional, Windows 2003 Server, Microsoft SUS
Working knowledge of Linux - Open Source versions of Red HAt and Mandrake
Fluent in HTML, JavaScript
>>Computer Forensics<<
FAMILY,GOLF, SURFING, Computers, Motorcycles, Hot Rods
Alma Mater
CRCS, Inc.
*Charles Rogers Computer Service*
A Systems Analyst, specializing in the sytems integration of Apple Macintosh and PCs.
20 years of computer hardware and software experience!
*- Currently on contract to C.R.B. Associates of Virginia, Inc.
Current Projects:
* -Incorporated CRCS - 2004
Technical Overview:
Fluent in MAC O/S  9.x, X.x (Incl. X Server)
B.A.- University of California, Irvine
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