If you have found some thing I haven't, Thank you. To submit your article simply mail it to me. Please put the following headers in front of your document:gnrl for my General Information Page; gs3 for my Gemstone 3 Page; drgnrelm for my Dragonrealms Page; and ultima for my Ultima online page. Please include your name and the address of any pages you may have, this is optional so you don't have to include them but it will assist me in giving you proper credit. This will also provide a free link to your site. In order for me to provide a link to your site it must meet certain requirements, NO profanity, NO nudity OR link to such sites. This is my policy as well as Geocities. Thank you for your submition. If you would like to have a link to your site on my link page your page must follow the same quide lines stated above. To add a link simply send mail to me with your web address and a short synopsis of your page. I will get back to you with a yes or a no. The only require ment I have is your page must deal with Gemstone or Dragonrealms in some way. I will post any and all articles I recieve as long as they are pertinant to my page.

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