Sorry to disappoint, but the club is on hiatus -- not enough spare time to keep things updated. Keep watching, as we may bring things back in the fall of 2001.
Why are there 2 books listed?
The first book is the main novel intended to be read. The other one is there just for fun.
For every hit single, there is always a flipside that everybody forgets. And for every
blockbuster movie, there is always a B-movie that a few people go to instead. This second
novel is something extra to read, and is to be judged leniently as an "also-ran".
Where do I get these books?
This club sells you nothing, and is free. You have to hunt for these novels! You can
check out your local library, a new bookstore, and you may even have to hunt through
the shelves at a used bookstore. This club will NEVER ask you to read something unless
it has been released in paperback, so you won't be expected to buy hardcover books at
inflated prices.
What if I've already read these books?
Great! If you trust your memory, you can get your comments up early. If not, you can
quickly reread the novels and see what you've forgotten.
Where do I post my reviews?
You can email them to the email address below, and they will be posted to a special
page on this website. Other alternatives may be special chat sessions as set up by
interested members.
When is the deadline for getting the book done and posting comments?
You always have a month. The books above are to be read this month, and then
2 new novels will be selected for the following month. Your comments on the current
books should be submitted by the end of the month, but there is no firm deadline.
What type of books will be chosen for this Club?
Primarily Science-Fiction, but there will be some fantasy. They will not always be
brand new books, but there will be a mixture of classic works and new releases.
Not all the older stuff will be what is considered "classic", either.
Okay, how do I sign up to be a member?
Just email the name below, and agree to try your best to read the selected book
each month. Also, you must agree to have your email address distributed among the
members so that discussion can be initiated by any members amongst themselves.
These email addresses will never be sold to a spammer, so be assured that a small
friendly club is really the objective.
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