Warning!  Graphics-intensive pages...

Tiny fire line

A Riddle...

Dancer, red and gold, with greed.
I am that which does not bleed.
On my rising breath be carried,
Twine with me and so be freed.

Tiny fire line

The Flame of The Internet

Fire Zig-zag


Welcome to the realm of PLCM, also known as P.L. Caruthers-Montgomery. PL is a many-faceted individual of varied creative abilities, some of which you'll find displayed herein. Whether it be filler art for small-press magazines, calligraphy, ANSI screen designs, or now webpage design PL is always willing to tackle a challenge, and a chance to make the world a more attractive place to be.

My Symbol

Flame Enterprises, Ltd.

Fire Zig-zag

Quote 1

Fire Zig-zag

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with any comments regarding these webpages

Fire Zig-zag

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Photos Scanned Courtesy of Tom Bowerman

Flaming Bar Divider


Flaming bar divider

This site powered and inspired by

Always Coca-Cola

CocaHolics of the World UNITE!

Flaming bar divider

Stop Censorship!

Flaming bar divider

Flaming bar divider

Or Visit These Alternate Realities...

P.L.'s Realm of Speculative Fiction
P.L.'s GEOCITIES Forever Knight Pages
[P.L.'s MIRROR Site]

Flaming bar divider

PLCM Screen Designs, Ltd.


WebPage Design & Maintenance by : PLCM Screen Designs, Ltd.
a subsidiary of Flame Enterprises

Last updated on June 20th, 1998