M51, a spiral galaxy
M45, the Pleides, the Seven Sisters, or Subaru, an open cluster in Taurus. One of the finest open clusters for viewing in binoculars.
M46, an open cluster in Puppis.
M47, an open cluster in Puppis.
M48, an open cluster in Hydra.
M49, an elliptical galaxy in Virgo.
M50, an open cluster in Monoceros.
M51, a spiral galaxy in Canes Venatici.
M52, an open cluster in Cassiopeia.
M53, a globular cluster in Coma Berenices.
M54, a globular cluster in Sagittarius.
M55, a globular cluster in Sagittarius.
M56, a glbular cluster in Lyra.
M57, the Ring Nebula, a planetary nebula in Lyra. The ring structure is visible in a small telescope.
M58, a spiral galaxy in Virgo.
M59, an elliptical galaxy in Virgo.
M60, an elliptical galaxy in Virgo.
M61, a spiral galaxy in Virgo.
M62, a globular cluster in Ophiuchus.
M63, the Sunflower Galaxy, a spiral galaxy in Canes Venatici.
M64, the Blackeye Galaxy, a spiral galaxy in Coma Berenices.
M65, a spiral galaxy in Leo.
M66, a spiral galaxy in Leo.
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