Hopefully, once I've taught myself a bit more HTML, this will at least link into my own pages of insight into popular SF, Forteana and gaming... oh, and possibly a little bit of radiography, which is what I've fooled the British public into paying me to study...
Oh, and by the way, I'm a 25 year old Drama & Philosophy graduate living in Canterbury, Kent, UK, and bear a passing resemblance to Maximilian (?) in Sliders when I have a beard, and John Belushi when I don't.
Resources and links for my conspiracy X campaign
Any suggestions for improvements, additions or alternative funnies are more than welcome
And this is how I feel. Gimme a break!
Links to other sites on the Web
The Wizards of Odd, the FT
Makers of GURPS, etc.
UK B5 Homepage
Join the greater universe!
(c) 1996 p.j.darby@cant.ac.uk
Except for those images which are plainly (c) Warner Bros....Zathras, Marvin the Martian, etc....
And anything Discworldish is (c) Terry & Lynn Pratchett, gawd bless 'em.