I'm glad you are still here. Before you go on to read about
improving Earth, take a minute to read this Disclaimer. I'm sorry I have
to put this Disclaimer on my page but it was done to protect me from some
people. You see, there are people who can sue a person if they see ANYTHING
they don't like. To protect myself from a lawsuit, I wrote this disclaimer.
This page does not contain any offensive material, at least
for normal people. However there are some people who consider a misspelled
word to be extremely offensive to them. So hear this (I mean read this):
If you see anything you don't like, you are free to contact me, because
I would be happy to receive comments about my page. And if you tell me
what you found offensive, I will probably take that bit off my page.
Anyway, if you do find something offensive, don't blame me. I guess if
this is offensive, you weren't meant to read it.
Another thing... This site isn't the homepage of some cult that
is going to trick you into committing suicide. If you were looking for
such a page, you will not find it here.
Well, to sum all this up: This page is created for making you
better, for making you happier, and for improving the world. However, you
cannot blame me for anything that goes wrong if you follow my advice. NOTHING
is supposed to go wrong, but if it will, don't blame me.