More updates will be added. DOS, Win3.X programs, etc
This thing has caused glitches with my Page!
Web Page design is always under constant FLUX
RECENT!! The State of Maine Page of Sightings has been updated with a sighting
You are NUMBER to visit this site!
Since the COUNTER went active on 12/26/96
Questions? Concerns? Ideas?
Drop me a LINE
NOTE: To email me correctly, you MUST remove the NOSPAM from my address. This is required due to Internet BOTS collecting E-Mail addresses from web sites.
I want to apologize for Geocities constant use of the "Now from our Sponsors" window that keeps popping up.
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640 X 480 MIN. resolution needed!
REMEMBER Netscape kicks butt over Internet Explorer by Microsoft. Why would anyone pay to be on Microsoft's NETWORK / INTERNET when the original concept of the INTERNET was for FREE exchange of information is beyond me!