Yes, like many of you did, I joined fellow MSTies on Sci-Fi's IRC
to riff along with "The Day the World Ended" during MST3K: The Home
Game. I was one of the fortunate few to have some of my comments
appear onscreen during the show! (For those of you who were watching,
have the shows on tape, etc. I used the name MagicVoice)
Below is a gratuitous list of all of my comments that appeared on the
Sci-Fi Channel. Some of them can be taken out of context, sure, but
within the context of the movie, they were amusing, I assure you. : )
Here they are...
4:00 (Eastern) Show:
0:22:43 Today on Wild Kingdom...
0:56:52 Meanwhile, on another soundstage
11:00 (Eastern) Show:
0:01:15 *sob* I always cry at happy endings!
0:02:48 Wait a second...Corman is God??
0:04:27 people like to dress up for the end of the world! gives it a sense
of occasion!
0:07:07 that chick looks like an evil Barbie doll
0:08:43 the jerk-o-meter is going wild!
0:09:59 hey lady, stop checking out my ass!
0:10:32 that was close! they almost had an action sequence there!
0:12:28 yeah, please put on more makeup. you don't look creepy enough yet.
0:14:51 poor Moe just wasn't the same after the stooges broke up
0:34:50 You mean Servo's a PUPPET?? I'm crushed!
1:04:05 Donna Reed in a role you'll never forget
1:04:49 I'm gonna chase those smoochers away with my donkey!
1:07:25 you don't have to be crazy to be in this movie...but it helps!
1:09:19 Marilyn Monroe has REALLY let herself go!
1:11:22 Quickly! Run towards the danger!
1:14:17 Well, Pops, kiss your ass goodbye.
1:21:17 Next thing you know, they're gonna tell me Mike is a puppet too.
1:22:17 Still no trace of the plot, huh Jim?
1:27:21 Cool! I can see my reflection in his hair!
I was really impressed with a lot of everyone's comments that didn't
even make it onto the screen! Just remember, if you had half as much
fun as I did during the home game, then I had twice as much fun as
you! HA!