I am planning a holiday to the planet Inter Minor, but I am now having second thoughts about whether to go, having heard some rather disconcerting rumours about the place. For a start, I hear that it's run by a gang of grey-faced, bald-headed bureacrats, who are rabidly xenophobic, and rarely admit anyone through customs (especially if they have more than one head, and I rather fancied growing another head, as I'm fed up with the one I've got!) I've also heard that they often eradicate visitors, just for being different. And furthermore, I'm told that they treat 'The Functionaries' (the ones who do all the grafting) abominably. If all this is true, then I certainly won't be going, and as I've only a few credit-bars to my name, I can't afford a wasted journey, just to discover that I hate the place! Is there anyone out there who can either confirm or dispell these rumours?
Yours desparately,
A Cosmic Hobo.