Alrighty then I've been revamping this place due to the length of loading time so enjoy!!!!

Now Playing.....When I'm 64

And Other Stuff

Consider yourself at home.

Consider yourself part of the family.

We've taken to you,So strong,

It's clear


going to get along!

Consider yourself well in.

Consider yourself part of the furniture.

There isn't a lot to spare,

Who cares whatever we got we share.

If it should chance that we maybe see some harder days,

Empty larder days,

Why grouse?

Always a chance we'll meet

somebody to foot the bill,

Then the drinks are on the house!

Consider yourself our mate.

We don't want to have no fuss.

For after some consideration we can state,

Consider yourself one of us!

Visit some of the people on the web who have touched my heart

Enter Dorkworld If You Dare

People huggled or Thwapped

Some Tidbits About Aurora and The Woman Who Created Her


Our Awards

The Wall

Poems Prayers & Promises

My Family

Thank Yous

In The Kitchen

Aurora's Home

Aurora's Life and Times

A Bit More On Aurora's Family

Gifts From Some Great Ladies

Apply For One of Our Awards?

Our Midi Page

Sign My GuestBook? ((Don't Make me Beg.....Puhleeeeeeeeeeeeeze?!?))

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Psssst:::points upward:::See...up there...that's where you sign....Now I would not want to pester or anything but well....Ok I would want to pester so ummm sign?:::smiles sweetly and bats her eyes::::((Now come on I'm cute enough to warrant a signing of the guest book aren't I???:::grins wildly::::))

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