Stories by our members

Here are the stories that our members have written. The BBC owns the good Doctor and all of the companions that appeared in the series and in the novels. Any other characters are owned by the author of the story. In the cross over stories, the characters are owned by their respective creators. No profits are made from these stories. All stories posted here are suitable for all ages to read.

Updated 05/20/97

All Doctors

Theresa L.:

8th Doctor

Andie S.:

"Inner Demons"

Audra McH.:

"Goblin Market"

"Like Follows Like"

Becky McL.:

"Well of Stars"

Beth C.:

"The Night Fate Stepped In"

Brenda V.:

Catalina D.:

Cheryl O.:

"Rat Race"

Cyrano de Univac:

"Sympathy in Waltz time"


Faith B.:

"The Darkness of Past & Future"

Jennifer H.:


Jill D.:

Kalirush T. (friend of Lillith):


Leighann C.:

"A funny thing happened on the way to the Unversity..."

Lillith R.:

Lori G.:

"A little story for Michele"

Marion S.:

"A Little Timeout for PaulDoc"

Melinda D.:

"Endless Sky"





Michele S.:

"A Time to Remember"

Round Robin:


"The Doctor's Last Dance"

Sonia V.:

"Landing in Las Vegas"

Susan T.:

"The Gift"

Tamara W.:

"Ari of Neutrality"


"The Unknown"

7th Doctor

Andie S.:


Jennifer T.:

Kathy O'S.:

"A Night at the Olde Phoenix Revisited"

Kirstin B.:

"Masque of the Baron"

Lori S.:

"Yin Yang"

"Janus Days"

"Soul Gardens"

Melinda D.:

Theresa L.:

"Ghost Shadow: Dr. Who 1996 Halloween Special"

"Visitations from the Future Remembered"

6th Doctor

Melinda D.:

"Loose Ends {w/ 8th Doc}"

Sharon L.:

Stephanie L-G.:

"Experiences, Efforts, & Endevours"

5th Doctor

Elsa F.:

Linda T.:

4th Doctor

Cheryl O.:

"Holiday on Beltrax"

Katherine G.:

"The Time of the Scorpion"

2nd Doctor

Jennifer H.:

"The Catalyst"