Elite Forces Unit

Our elite forces group is a ground assault unit for special blackops and covert operations with other squadrons; it is also used for boarding heavily defended enemy ships. To join this unit you must own one of these games: Any Doom, Rise of the Triad, Dark Forces, any Duke Nukem, any Quake, HalfLife, or any other shoot-em-up game that I 'okay'. If you have one of these games and would like to join, fill out the form bellow:

Your FULL name: 
Email Address: 
Game(s);level in game:

F.Y.I. - All officers traditionally carry a Light Saber. We model ourselves after the USMC, whose officers carry ornamental swords, because they are the finest fighting unit in the world.

Unit Roster

The following people are listed in the order of their rank, highest to lowest. I give them their rank according to how much of a required game they have completed. I have to take their word for it so I just hope they are honest. I place them in ranks as follows:In the procces of completing a game:PFC or L/Cpl. Almost done with the game: MSGT. Finished one game: 2nd Lt. Finished more than one: 1st Lt.+ (at my discretion).

Serial #

0000 - General Ethan "Black Knight" Beck - CO - Light Saber/Modified Imperial Blaster

0001 - BGen. Enrico "Ice Traq" Jayadi - XO - Light Saber/Stoker Concussion Rifle/E-11 Blaster

0029 - BGen John "Ogre" Keener - Light Saber/Modified E-Web Blaster

0003 - Colonel Larry "Wildcard" Rubald - Standard Blaster

0024 - Major Andrew "Hawk" Corbett - Thermal Detonator/Light Saber

0007 - Captain Noah "Maverick" Kuehmichel - Light Saber/Plasma Rifle

0027 - Captain Gabrial "Swamp" Baker - Light Saber/Stoker Concussion Rifle

0002 - 1st Lt. Neil "Viper" Vermillion - Light Saber

0022 - 1st Lt. David "Lobes-shotgun" Loebl - Light Saber

0010 - 1st Lt. Adam "Night Breed" Green - Light Saber/Imperial Issue E-11 Blaster

0021 - 1st Lt. Chris May - Light Saber

0014 - 1st Lt. Michael "Sniper" Tokunaga

0033 - 1st Lt. Chris "The Holy Angel" Lund - Assault Rifle/Light Saber

0004 - 2nd Lt. Jeremy "Paladin" Horn - Light Saber

0005 - 2nd Lt. Will "Bulldog" Weatherford - Light Saber/Stoker Concussion Rifle

0006 - 2nd Lt. Andrew "Saber" Anderson - Light Saber

0013 - 2nd Lt. Andrew "Mace" Catts - Light Saber/Modified Imperial Blaster

0015 - 2nd Lt. Mathew "Pickoff" Connoy

0018 - 2nd Lt. Mark "Ghost Ace Killer" Milintangkur - Light Saber

0019 - 2nd Lt. Cory "Max_Rebo" Barden - Imperial Blaster Rifle/Light Saber

0025 - 2nd Lt. Sam "Avenger" Miller - Light Saber/Fusion Cutter

0028 - 2nd Lt. Ian "Eagle" Bassett - Laser Rifle/Light Saber

0030 - 2nd Lt. Jon "Flaymz" Senke - Modified Wushu Blaster/Light Saber

0026 - Gunnery Sgt. Joseph "Hawkeye" Bautista - Light Saber/Modified Imperial Blaster

0008 - L/Cpl. Travis "Blade" Zuber - Standard Blaster

0017 - L/Cpl. Melvin "Gunner" Wallace - Thermal Detonator

0009 - PFC Darran "Corran Horn" Macneall

0016 - PFC Amber "Black Mistress" Hendricks

0020 - PFC Ryan "Cheater" Chambers - Assault Cannon

0011 - PFC Jordan "Viper" Timinski - Light Saber/Stoker Cuncussin Rifle

0012 - PFC Reid "Ace" Potgieter

0023 - PFC Dillon "Devestator" Ryan - Light Saber/Thermal Detonator

0024 - PFC Land "Skyhawk" Cruiser - Lightsaber

0031 - PFC Alex "The Rock" Barnes - Bi-Polar Blaster Carbine

0032 - Gavin "Wraith" Darklighter - Blaster Rifle

0034 - PFC Scott "Neon Jedi" Simcox - Light Saber

USMC Ranks

Here are the officer ranks used in the USMC and Knight Squadron from lowest to highest. I will have a better chart later so check back.

Des. Rank Abbreviation
O-1 2nd Lieutenant Lt.
O-2 1st Lieutenant Lt.
O-3 Captain Capt.
O-4 Major Maj.
O-5 Lt. Colonel Lt.Col.
O-6 Colonel Col.
O-7 Brigaider General BrigGen.
O-8 Major General MajGen.
O-9 Lieutenant General LTGen.
O-10 General Gen.

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