I am a complex person who lives in the midwest. For the most part I have had to stifle myself and hide my beliefs and preferences due to the sigmatism of living among Christian dominated Republican cattle. I enjoy a variety of music and art. Many of my favorite artists have links on this site. (If you would like me to add a link to your page please feel free to contact me. Make certain it is labled web page inquiry or I might accidentally delete it.) I am a crafter in more than one sense of the term utilizing fiber, paints, and whatever else happens to strike my fancy. I believe in originality and frequently have told my children "not everyone believes the same thing, and that's ok." I am pretty open minded and enjoy new experiences. I revel in differences and love a good debate. Knowledge is power and therefore I search out knowledge all the time. I hate no one but do have both dark and lights sides to my personality. I would like to remind the reader taht this site is really my own musings in the moment of writing and that my opinion and ideas change all the time. I wuold also like to remind the reader that no all share my ideas and opinions, hence the links to other sites. This difference is what makes us all human and unique (now if only we could get government and religion to agree!). Blessing to all in their pursuits and may the Gods and Goddesses watch over you.