This is my pokédex.  Blue pokémon are Basic pokémon(Unevolved).  Red pokémon are stage 1 pokémon. Green pokémon are stage 2 pokemon.  Click on the name to see a picture, the types of it, its data, where to find it, its attacks, and its ratings.

#001 Bulbasaur

#002 Ivysaur

#003 Venusaur

#004 Charmander

#005 Charmeleon

#006 Charizard

#007 Squirtle

#008 Wartortle

#009 Blastoise

#010 Caterpie

#011 Metapod

#012 Butterfree

#013 Weedle

#014 Kakuna

#015 Beedrill

#016 Pidgey

#017 Pidgeotto

#018 Pidgeot

#019 Ratatta

#020 Raticate

#021 Spearow

#022 Fearow

#023 Ekans

#024 Arbok

#025 Pikachu

#026 Raichu

#027 Sandshrew

#028 Sandslash

#029 Nidoran(f)

#030 Nidorina