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Some cool prog's I've found:
Password recovering utilities:

SnadBoy's Revelation v1.1 'All will be revealed...'
Windows 95 is great at remembering many of your passwords, e.g. the password of your dial-in ISP. Unfortunately, this is also a problem - since you seldom enter the passsword it tends to be forgotten. What are you to do when you need to know one of the saved passwords? The password is staring right at you, but is hiding behind a row of asterisks.

From the readme.txt file:
Saved passwords are great - one less thing to remember.  The dialog
appears with those charming asterisks and your simply hit enter.  Of 
course, there comes a time that you actually do need to remember 
that password - what to do???  

SnadBoy's Revelation allows you to 'see behind' the asterisks and 
remember the password.

How to...
	> With the dialog containing the password visible start up Revelation.
	> Left click on the 'Password Field Selector' and drag it over
	the password field
	> Read the password in the 'Revealed Password' field.

SnadBoy's Revelation allows you to see over that wall in order to reclaim your password. Go to the download area and download it now - it's FREEWARE!!!
The source code for Revelation is now available for purchase. The source requires Microsoft's Visual C++ (v5.0 SP3 or later) and assumes a knowledge of
Windows SDK and MFC.  The price is $150 US. As an added bonus for buying the source code
now, you will receive the source code for v1.2 of Revelation which reveals Windows 95 screen saver passwords.

Here is what the press and Micro$oft says about SnadBoy's Revelation:
Is It a Hack or a Windows Bug? PCWorld Online
Forget Your Password? This Utility Could Help PCWorld Online
Utility puts Win 9x passwords at risk PC Week Online
Utility could reveal password cache News.com
Microsoft Windows 9x - Password Cache/Revelation Program Microsoft
New Hole in Win9x Security Australian Financial Review

Here is some screenshots of SnadBoy's Revelation v1.1:

Win95/NT Share Password Recovery util by Byte Ripper / Phrozen Crew 1998:
This little program could decode all passwords for shared resources on a Windows computer.
¦ Win95/NT Sharing password decrypter     ¦
¦ Takes a Win95/NT sharing pass and       ¦
¦ decryptes it. Giving you the password.  ¦
¦        Crack by Byte Ripper             ¦
[ I want to tnx David Ross (snakey@cs.umd.edu) for the public     ]
[ release of the decrypter source code at www.rootshell.com       ]
[ (sharepw.c)                                                     ]
[                                                     Byte Ripper ]
This is the location of the encoded share passwords in you're windows registry:
Go to the Download Area.
Here is a screenshot of Win95/NT Share Password Recovery util by Byte Ripper / Phrozen Crew 1998:

No security in this crazy world!
Win95 PWL viewer (c) 1997 Vitas Ramanchauskas
http://webdon.com, e-mail: vitas@webdon.com vitas@rocketmail.com, ICQ:3024702

!This program intended to be used for legal purpose only!


LOOK FOR ScreenSave_Data
password looks like 'ScreenSave_Data03A7384E2230 A60..'


FIND ScreenSave_Data03A7384E2230 A6..(IGNORE ANYTHING
                                      AFTER THE FIRST
                                      SPACE WHICH IS
                                      CHAR 00, THE END
                                      OF THE PASSWORD)

LOOK AT: 03A7384E2230

1  2  3  4  5  6
03 A7 38 4E 22 30

03 K
A7 I
38 N
4E S
22 E
30 Y


     K  I  N  S  E  Y
     1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10 11 12 13 14

20   68 CE 56 3D 47 49 81 3B 5A AC 67 D8 74 B5
21 ! 69 CF 57 3C 46 48 80 3A 5B AD 66 D9 75 B4
22 " 6A CC 54 3F 45 4B 83 39 58 AE 65 DA 76 B7
23 # 6B CD 55 3E 44 4A 82 38 59 AF 64 DB 77 B6
24 $ 6C CA 52 39 43 4D 85 3F 5E A8 63 DC 70 B1
25 % 6D CB 53 38 42 4C 84 3E 5F A9 62 DD 71 B0
26 & 6E C8 50 3B 41 4F 87 3D 5C AA 61 DE 72 B3
27 ' 6F C9 51 3A 40 4E 86 3C 5D AB 60 DF 73 B2
28 ( 60 C6 5E 35 4F 41 89 33 52 A4 6F D0 7C BD
29 ) 61 C7 5F 34 4E 40 88 32 53 A5 6E D1 7D BC
2A : 62 C4 5C 37 4D 43 8B 31 50 A6 6D D2 7E BF
2B ; 63 C5 5D 36 4C 42 8A 30 51 A7 6C D3 7F BE
2C < 64 C2 5A 31 4B 45 8D 37 56 A0 6B D4 78 B9
2D > 65 C3 5B 30 4A 44 8C 36 57 A1 6A D5 79 B8
2E = 66 C0 58 33 49 47 8F 35 54 A2 69 D6 7A BB
2F ? 67 C1 59 32 48 46 8E 34 55 A3 68 D7 7B BA

30 0 78 DE 46 2D 57 59 91 2B 4A BC 77 C8 64 A5
31 1 79 DF 47 2C 56 58 90 2A 4B BD 76 C9 65 A4
32 2 7A DC 44 2F 55 5B 93 29 48 BE 75 CA 66 A7
33 3 7B DD 45 2E 54 5A 92 28 49 BF 74 CB 67 A6
34 4 7C DA 42 29 53 5D 95 2F 4E B8 73 CC 60 A1
35 5 7D DB 43 28 52 5C 94 2E 4F B9 72 CD 61 A0
36 6 7E D8 40 2B 51 5F 97 2D 4C BA 71 CE 62 A3
37 7 7F D9 41 2A 50 5E 96 2C 4D BB 70 CF 63 A2
38 8 70 D6 4E 25 5F 51 99 23 42 B4 7F C0 6C AD
39 9 71 D7 4F 24 5E 50 98 22 43 B5 7E C1 6D AC
3A : 72 D4 4C 27 5D 53 9B 21 40 B6 7D C2 6E AF
3B ; 73 D5 4D 26 5C 52 9A 20 41 B7 7C C3 6F AE
3C < 74 D2 4A 21 5B 55 9D 27 46 B0 7B C4 68 A9
3D > 75 D3 4B 20 5A 54 9C 26 47 B1 7A C5 69 A8
3E = 76 D0 48 23 59 57 9F 25 44 B2 79 C6 6A AB
3F ? 77 D1 49 22 58 56 9E 24 45 B3 78 C7 6B AA

40 @ 08 AE 36 5D 27 29 E1 5B 3A CC 07 B8 14 D5
41 A 09 AF 37 5C 26 28 E0 5A 3B CD 06 B9 15 D4
42 B 0A AC 34 5F 25 2B E3 59 38 CE 05 BA 16 D7
43 C 0B AD 35 5E 24 2A E2 58 39 CF 04 BB 17 D6
44 D 0C AA 32 59 23 2D E5 5F 3E C8 03 BC 10 D1
45 E 0D AB 33 58 22 2C E4 5E 3F C9 02 BD 11 D0
46 F 0E A8 30 5B 21 2F E7 5D 3C CA 01 BE 12 D3
47 G 0F A9 31 5A 20 2E E6 5C 3D CB 00 BF 13 D2
48 H 00 A6 3E 55 2F 21 E9 53 32 C4 0F B0 1C DD
49 I 01 A7 3F 54 2E 20 E8 52 33 C5 0E B1 1D DC
4A J 02 A4 3C 57 2D 23 EB 51 30 C6 0D B2 1E DF
4B K 03 A5 3D 56 2C 22 EA 50 31 C7 0C B3 1F DE
4C L 04 A2 3A 51 2B 25 ED 57 36 C0 0B B4 18 D9
4D M 05 A3 3B 50 2A 24 EC 56 37 C1 0A B5 19 D8
4E N 06 A0 38 53 29 27 EF 55 34 C2 09 B6 1A DB
4F O 07 A1 39 52 28 26 EE 54 35 C3 08 B7 1B DA

50 P 18 BE 26 4D 37 39 F1 4B 2A DC 17 A8 04 C5
51 Q 19 BF 27 4C 36 38 F0 4A 2B DD 16 A9 05 C4
52 R 1A BC 24 4F 35 3B F3 49 28 DE 15 AA 06 C7
53 S 1B BD 25 4E 34 3A F2 48 29 DF 14 AB 07 C6
54 T 1C BA 22 49 33 3D F5 4F 2E D8 13 AC 00 C1
55 U 1D BB 23 48 32 3C F4 4E 2F D9 12 AD 01 C0
56 V 1E B8 20 4B 31 3F F7 4D 2C DA 11 AE 02 C3
57 W 1F B9 21 4A 30 3E F6 4C 2D DB 10 AF 03 C2
58 X 10 B6 2E 45 3F 31 F9 43 22 D4 1F A0 0C CD
59 Y 11 B7 2F 44 3E 30 F8 42 23 D5 1E A1 0D CC
5A Z 12 B4 2C 47 3D 33 FB 41 20 D6 1D A2 0E CF
5B K 13 B5 2D 46 3C 32 FA 40 21 D7 1C A3 0F CE
5C L 14 B2 2A 41 3B 35 FD 47 26 D0 1B A4 08 C9
5D M 15 B3 2B 40 3A 34 FC 46 27 D1 1A A5 09 C8
5E N 16 B0 28 43 39 37 FF 45 24 D2 19 A6 0A CB
5F O 17 B1 29 42 38 36 FE 44 25 D3 18 A7 0B CA

60 ` 28 8E 16 7D 07 09 C1 7B 1A EC 27 98 34 F5
7B { 33 95 0D 66 1C 12 DA 60 01 F7 3C 83 2F EE
7C | 34 92 0A 61 1B 15 DD 67 06 F0 3B 84 28 E9
7D } 35 93 0B 60 1A 14 DC 66 07 F1 3A 85 29 E8
7E ~ 36 90 08 63 19 17 DF 65 04 F2 39 86 2A EB

Download area:
Filename: Size: Description
pc_share.zip 152.232 bytes Takes a Win95/NT sharing pass and
decryptes it. Giving you the password.(Long Descr.)
revel11.zip 1.278.624 bytes SnadBoy's Revelation allows you to 'see behind' the asterisks, in a dialog box,
and remember the password. (Long Descr.)

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