This the WOnderFUl PagE of One lovely GirL WhO goes By The NAme oF DotZaRia!
The site is completely dedicated to my writings about articles from other writers. The stuff is mostly from school. I feel that if I have to write it, I might as well get some recognition for it, and maybe help others along the way.
The Essay and Writing Section!
English Essays: the stuff in here is the basic analysis of stories etc. I despised most of it
Government and Political: this is the heavy stuff that kept me awake many nights. Enjoy my hard work
Research Papers: I have a sick enjoyment for doing these. Don't ask.
My Page: there isn't much in here.
Be kind to me and don't copy too many of these papers. I think that I deserve the credit at least. The articles in the gov't section were written by their respective authors. If you want to use something, contact me at