Jedi Force Abilities

All force training follows a hierarchy of steps: Control, Sense, and Alter. You must learn control of your own abilities, before you can truly sense the Force. Once you have mastered sensing the Force surrounding you, you can use the force to perform actions and alter the events and objects around you.

~Control Powers Of The Jedi~
Aborb/Dissapate/Repel/Redirect Energy - This power is the summation of defending one's self against a Force or non-Force generated energy attack. You can add the energy to your own power. Or you can dissipate it into all living things around you. By repelling, you force the energy away from you in random directions. By redirecting the energy you send it at a particular being or object. Though it will not have much power as the original attack.
Accelerate Healing - A Jedi can use the Force to begin healing the wounds he has suffered at a much quicker rate of healing than the normal healing methods.But it is a constant drain on you, and if you do it in combat, it will leave you seriously drained. 1 prep, then maintain.
Control Body Temparature - A Jedi can raise or lower his own temparature to be able to survive harsh enviroments better than normal.
Contort Escape - Using this power, a Jedi can compact his own body. Ignoring the pain and hurt of snapping and destroying his own bones in order to escape when all other options have failed. But this power drains the Jedi immensily. The Jedi, gaining escape, is likely to fall unconscious and into a Jedi Healing Trance almost immidiately. 2 preps.
Control Disease/Poison - Using this power, a Jedi can neutralize the effects of a disease or poison through careful meditiation. 2 preps
Control Pain - Again, using the Force a Jedi can control their pain. But this takes a toll on their overall powers, and after a time it will wear them down. It is also not exclusive. Sometimes the pain will be to great to control, such as the complete loss of a limb or a body part, or extensive overall injuries.
Hibernation Trance - This allows a Jedi to slip into a hibernation like sleep, so one does not need to eat or drink for some time. And the rate of breathing is lowered. This allows the Jedi to survive long periods of time alone in an inhospitible enviroments. 2 preps
Remain Conscious - A Jedi who is battered to the point where he would normally become unconscious can use this power to keep his mind and body conscious. This also applies to extreme weariness. Howewver, the longer this is used the more weak the Jedi grows.
Remove fatigue - A Jedi who is excessively tired or weary can use this power to wipe his mind of fatigue. But remember, sooner or later there will come a time when this power has drained you so much that you cannot keep up it up, and you will drop in exhaustion.
Resist Stun - A Jedi who has a stun blast fired at him can use the Force to resist the effects of the stun blast, but the side effect is that it leaves you sluggish for a few seconds.
Short Term Memory Enhancement - A Jedi who uses this can have an almost perfect copy of what happened in the enviroment around him through his head. This can go back as long as you want within the last several hours, but the further back you go the more dim and confused the memory becomes.

~Sense Powers Of The Jedi~
Beast Languages
- Using this power, a Jedi can communicate with the beasts. One can understand the thoughts of their minds. And even growls or barks through the Force. Amd one can make them understand his words.
Blind Sense - Using this power, a Jedi can use the Force to 'see' where he is and where he is going simply by using the Force as an extra set of eyes.
Danger Sense - Using this power a Jedi can feel danger moments before it happens. This is the skill that a) gives the Jedi what is percieved by the public to be such quick relexes, and b) alerts the trained, advanced Jedi to danger that is beyond the moment.
Hyperspace Tracking - Using this power, a Jedi can trace the Force Sence of another being or group of beings through hyperspace.
Instinctive Astrogation -A Jedi can instinctively navigate the stars, acting as a nav computer would. Letting the Force guide him and plot a course.
Magnify Senses - Jedi can enhanse his senses in two ways: One can use the Force to amplify his sight, sound, touch, smell and taste. Or one can use the Force as a second set of eyes, ears and fingers. Or sensing things far away. 1 prep
Postcognition - Using this power, a Jedi can use the Force to trace the past history of an object or person, the ease of this varies depending in great part by how undisturbed the object has been or how calm and open to revealing their past the person is. 3 preps.
Sense Disturbance - Using this power, a Jedi who has had more than just the basic of training can feel disturbances of the Force.Large disturbances, like the destruction of a planet, can be felt across the galaxy. As can the distress of close friends and relatives though on a smaller scale. Smaller disturbances, like a smaller amout of people, are felt locally as opposed to widely.
Sense Force Potential - Using the Force, a Jedi can sense the Force potential in another being.
Sense Spirit - Using this power, the spirit of a dead Force sensative being can be sensed by another Force sensitive being.
Translation - A Jedi can translate languages, both spoken and written, and communicate with people speaking this language by convincing their minds that what he is saying is their own language.
Long Distance Telepathy - This power requires both users to reach out mightily reach out with the Force to touch each other's minds. This works best if the two have a close relationship with each other.

~Alter Powers Of The Force~
- With this power a Jedi can create fire from the air itself. The fire can be used offensively, or as a light, soure of heat, or source of energy. 1 prep at least
Raise/Lower Temparature - Using this power, a Jedi can raise and lower their own body temparature as well as the inherent temparature of people, animals, or things in their vicinity.
Strengthen Object - Using this power, a Jedi can use the Force to squeeze the molecules of a certain substance, like a wooden rod or a stone, so that the object is as hard and durable as the blade of a lightsabre. But when the Jedi is using the Force becomes tired or distracted, the object begins to weaken. It stays solid, but becomes susceptible to the lightsabre after a few well placed blows. 4 preps to start, then must be maintained.
Telekinesis - A Jedi can harness Force/Mental energy and hurl it at foes in the form of energy discharges, or it can affect the movement of mass already in motion. Levitation is a by product of telekinesis. In the form of a Force Push, it requires one prep for an object or objects within 20 feet.
Warp Matter - A Jedi can use the Force to twist matter to his specifications. However, this can only be done on a limited scale, and requires enormous amounts of prep.

~Control And Sense Powers~
Call Animal
- A Jedi can use the Force to call and tame a wild beast to his command. 3 preps overall
Death Sense - A Jedi can sense the loss of a loved one, or of one close by, or of a mass of people far away.
Farseeing - Using this power, a Jedi can see events and places far away, as though they were there themselves.
Life Bond - A Jedi can attach his soul to that of another, like a wife or a brother, so that you could instinctively feel any danger or harm that has come to the other and reach out to each other.
Lightsabre Combat - Using this power, a Jedi can use the Force to exert low level, continuous control over his muscles and reflexes that allow a Jedi to use the massless lightsabre blade at the speeds and with the grace they use it.
Mask Force - A Jedi can mask his presence while in the presence of other Force sensative beings. However, this is not unbeatable and if someone preps a Force power and detects, say, the air you are breathing, he can discover you. 2 preps
Projective Telepathy - A Jedi can project images, thoughts, or compulsions into the minds of others. 2 preps
Share Senses - Using this power, a Jedi can share their sight, hearing, mental thoughts, touch, smell or taste with another being. This power works best if you touch the person whom you share the senses. But it can be done without touch. 2 preps if done by touch.

~Control And Alter Powers~
Control Breathing
- A Jedi can use the Force to control the breathing of themselves or another being.
Transfer Force - Using this power, a Jedi can transfer some of his Force strength, some of his life energy, into another being and he can project so much he projects it all. Though generally the more you project, the more prep is required.This can revive or ressuscicate them. And in the case of the Dark Side, it gives them limited Dark Side power. But if you transfer all your power, you die. Or at least fall into a deep coma.
Force Energy Discharges - A Jedi can gather himself immense Force power and dispense it in the Force of a blue energy flare of great power. 2 preps
Force Push - A Jedi can use the Force to hurl a telekinetic push against a victim or a number of victims. Figure one prep for one target or grouped together targets within 20 feet.

~Alter And Sense Powers~
Dim Other's Senses
- Using this power a Jedi can use the Force to dim, or lessen, the effectiveness of the senses of another being. 2 preps
Force Shield (lesser) - A Jedi can erect around himself a weak telekinetic barrier that will block light Force attacks and slow moving projectiles. 1 prep
Force Wind - A Jedi can summon up a small wind or gust of air to send it at a foe. Or use it for some other purpose. At least 2 preps
Induce Sleep - A Jedi can induce sleep in another being. 2 preps

~Control, Sense, And Alter Powers~
Control Mind
- Using this power, a Jedi can take control of another's mind. 3 preps
Create Force Storms - This is the most awesome display of Force power. With this power, a Jedi can take command of the weather and shape it into a powerful and overwhelming storm to attack their enemies. 8 preps at least
Enhanced Coordination - A Jedi can enhance his own coordination to make his attacks and movements much more graceful and fluid.
Force Shield (greater) - A Jedi can create a telekinetic shield around himself and can stop nearly any single attack. Including projectile attacks. But it can only be used once, then prepped again. 5 preps
Memory Wipe - Using this power, a Jedi can wipe the mind of another being. Some or all, it does not matter. 4 preps
Levitation - A Jedi can levitate both himself and other people or objects. Jedi Masters can even use the things they levitate for weapons. 2 preps at least. Then must be maintained.
Transfer Essence - A Jedi can transfer his mind and essence into the body of another being. And though there is often a chance that Force abilities can be lost during the transfer, some people can do it without loosing Force power.
Force Blocking - A Jedi can use the Force, though it is very difficult, to remove the Force powers of another who has them. This requires massive prep, so should not be taken lightly. 11 preps
Illusions - This power can be used to fool an enemy into thinking things are not as they really are. However, a Jedi who focuses on the Force can see though this. And a Dark Sider's whose rage is overwhelming can also see through this. 2 preps.