Update History:
2005/09/06(Tue) 23:56 EST All the 4 basic towns' pages up.
2005/08/26(Fri) 07:06 EST More Translation, San d'Oria page up as well.

Area Details
Area NameEntrance BossKey Item upon Clear
Bastok MinesGu'Dha Effigy ハイドラ戦隊遠眼鏡
Southern San d'OriaOverlord's Tombstone Hydra Corps Commander Scepter
Windurst WallsTzee Xciu Idol ハイドラ戦隊角灯
Ru'Lude GardensGoblin Golem Hydra Corps Tactical Map
Beaucedine Glacier(F-11) Angra Mainyuハイドラ戦隊識別標
Xarcabard(J-9)Dynamis Lord ハイドラ戦隊軍旗

Basic Knowledge
■Step-by-step of How to qualify for Dynamis
 1. With a 65+ Job, zone into Xarcabard (Teleport-Vazhl works) for a cutscene. You must have defeated Shadow Lord at least once.
 2. Examine the "Trail Markings" at either Bastok, San d'Oria, Windurst, or Jeuno. Obtain key item: "Vial of Shrouded Sand."
== 2nd time and after that, start from 3. ==
 3. Trade 1million gil to either Goblin NPC at the entrance to Beadeaux, Davoi, or Castle Oztroja. Obtain item "Timeless Hourglass."
 4. Trade the Timeless Hourglass to the Trail Markings (while there's no one in that particular area). Hourglass becomes "Perpetual
". Trade the Perpetual Hourglass to the Trail Markings to enter the Dynamis area. Perpetual Hourglass can be duplicated
 to allow up to 64 people into the Dynamis area.

・Default is 1 hour. Maximum is 3 hours and 30 minutes.
・Extension are made when certain statues are killed. It will be broadcasted in the log window when it happens.
・Warning messages appear 10min.3min.30sec before time runs out.
・All Boss statues grants 30 minutes extension.

・Once you enter a Dynamis area, you have to wait for 72 real-life hours (3 days) to enter another Dynamis. (Until time runs out on your
 current one, you can re-enter indefinitely, but see below)
  3 days from the time that you enter the area, not when the timeless hourglass was traded.
  When checking the re-entry timer, use this formula: Vana'diel75days=72hours, Vana'diel1day=57min36sec

When boss is defeated, at the spot of its death there will be a ???. Examine it to get the key item and the title "Dynamis-<area> Interloper".
As long as there is time remaining, you can stay in Dynamis area even after killing the boss.
It hasn't been confirmed of what happens when you clear all 6.

In Bastok/Windurst/San d'Oria/Jeuno Chocobo Mazurka doesn't function. It works in Beaucedine/Xarcabard. Escape doesn't work.
HEAVY weakened effect if you re-enter the same Dynamis (longer than a normal weakened effect from Raise spells)
For example, you got KO'd and decided to home-point and re-enter Dynamis. You'd suffer a stronger weakened effect than if you
took a raise on the spot.
Also, if you do not have an hourglass while you are in Dynamis, you will be booted from it after 30 seconds (don't throw the hourglass away
until you're done!)

Basic knowledge 〜Monsters〜
■All Monsters
・True sight
・Generally speaking, the later they're placed, the tougher they are. Especially the ones spawned along with the boss.
・Generally, monster do not repopulate. Killing certain monsters will place new monsters on the map, however.

・About 1000HP. Moves very slow (constant Gravity effect)
・Summons 2~4 beastmen/statues. Jobs of the beastmen summoned is based on the statue.
・High Physical damage resistance. Some Magical Resistance.
・Their Glare TP moves are gaze attacks--averting eyes avoids effect.
・Blue eyes statues recovers HP for characters around them when they're killed.
・Green eyes statues recovers MP for characters around them when they're killed.

・All areas have beastmen from every single job. AFII drops do not base on the job of the beastmen killed.
・HP about 4000.
・All of them have 2HR ability. SMN MNK and NIN are especially dangerous.
・Low success rate of stealing Dynamis Currency from mobs.
・Killing NM/Boss level mobs will sometimes populate area with more mobs.
・Since there are job combos that aren't seen in Vana'diel, use the names of the mobs to determine what job they are. (Mnk with dagger for example)
・Quadav/Demon NIN/RNG uses ranged attacks as TP move

Pets and avatars
・Same HP as beastmen (unlike in Vana'diel)
・Sleeping avatar will cause Astral Flow to have no effect. Killing the SMN also forces the avatar to vanish.
・Pets uses AoE Enfeeble. Use silence against them. Enfeeble depends on area:
 Bas (Scorpion): Breakga; San (Hecteyes): Dispelga; Win (Bird): Silencega; Jeuno (Slime): Paralyzga; Bea(Hound):Blindga; Xar (Wyvern): ?)

Named Monsters
・Has a special TP move. Differs by beastmen type:
 (Quadav: Gu'Dha's Fury, Orc: Fanatic Dance, Yagudo: Doom, Goblin: Dice of Fate)
・Doesn't drop AFII often. Xarcabard is the exception.

・Boss is a giant statue. Killing all trigger monsters will pop the boss.
・When engaged, will summon named monsters. Some also uses the spell "Death".
・Spot of death will have ??? for the key item/Title change.

Drop Items
AFII: See below.
・High chance of dropping currency. (0~multiple) Jeuno and the 2 field areas can drop all 3 types.
・Low chance that you can steal the currency.
・All statues in all areas can drop Infinity Core.
Bastok RelicBlade (War/Pld/Drk) ・Scythe(Drk) ・Axe(Bst) ・Ito (Sam)
Curr 1&100 Byne Bills
Material Wootz Ore・Glittering Stone・Slime Juice
San d'Oria RelicBhuj (War) ・Gun (Rng) ・Ihintanto (Ninja) ・Lance (DRG)
CurrO. Bronzepiece・モニヨン銀貨
Material Glittering Stone・氷漬けの巨大な頭・Griffon Hide, Fresh Orc Liver
Windurst RelicSword (Rdm/Pld) ・ Dagger (Rdm/Thf/Brd) ・ Knuckles(Mnk)・ Maul(Whm)
Material Relic Iron, Glittering Stone・ランスウッド原木・巨大なサレコウベ
Jeuno RelicStaff (Blm/Smn) , Bow (Rng/Sam) , Horn, Shield
Curr All types
Material Glittering Stone, Goblin Grease
Beaucedine RelicItem for Upgrade #3
Curr All types
Item ギヌヴァの戦術指南・4 countries' Material (based on beastmen type)
Xarcabard RelicNONE
Curr All types

AFII (Relic Armor?)
・Very low rate of dropping.
Area Determines what can be dropped. See Below
Beastmen job and type of AF drop has no relations
・Lv74 AFII is always dropped in Beaucedine. Lv75 AFII is always dropped in Xarcabard.
■By parts
Slot/Job WarMnk WhmBlm Rdm ThfPld DrkBst Brd RngSam NinDrg Smn
Head WinXar SanXar Xar WinBas XarWin San JeuXar WinXar Xar
Body XarBea BeaBea Bea BasXar BeaBas Bea XarBea BeaBea Bea
Hands JeuJeu XarWin Bas XarSan WinXar Bas WinBas XarJeu Bas
Legs BeaSan JeuBas Jeu BeaBea JeuSan Xar SanWin SanBas Win
Feet SanBas WinJeu San JeuWin BasBea Jeu BeaJeu JeuSan San

■By area
Area/Job WarMnk WhmBlm Rdm ThfPld DrkBst Brd RngSam NinDrg Smn
Bastok Feet Legs Hands BodyHead FeetBody Hands Hands Legs Hands
San d'Oria FeetLegs Head Feet Hands Legs Head Legs LegsFeet Feet
Windurst Head FeetHands HeadFeet HandsHead HandsLegs Head Legs
Jeuno HandsHands LegsFeet Legs Feet Legs Feet HeadFeet FeetHands
Beaucedine LegsBody BodyBody Body LegsLegs BodyFeet Body FeetBody BodyBody Body
Xarcabard BodyHead HandsHead Head HandsBody HeadHands Legs BodyHead HandsHead Head

Relic weapon
There's a goblin NPC named Switchstix at the entrance to Castle Zvahl. Trade the relic weapon to him, and he will ask for 3 items to fix the weapon. After the 3 items are traded, he then asks for the transaction fee in dynamis currency.

There are 4 levels of Upgrades.

■ 1st Upgrade
Pre-upgrade name Type Job Items needed Transaction Fee
Relic Shield ShieldPld   Oric. Sheet   
Relic Sword SwordPld/Rdm コー・イ・ヌール Oric. ChainCermet Chunk モニヨン銀貨 4枚
Relic Dagger DaggerRdm/Thf/Brd カンタレラ Oric. IngotDeodorizer 100 Byne Bills x4
Relic Maul ClubWhm Wootz Ingot Plat. IngotRainbow Cloth モニヨン銀貨 5枚
Relic Staff StaffBlm/Smn ランスウッド材 Pigeon Blood ルンゴナンゴ翠貝貨 5枚
Relic Blade Great SwordWar/Pld/Drk Griffon Leather Adaman IngotPlat. Ingot モニヨン銀貨 4枚
Relic Axe AxeBst Angel Skin クロノスの歯フェザーカラー+1 ルンゴナンゴ翠貝貨 3枚
Relic Bhuj Great AxeWar Wootz Ingot Damascus Ingot神代木 100 Byne Bills x3
Relic Scythe ScytheDrk マンモスの牙 Manticore Leather Rainbow Obi ルンゴナンゴ翠貝貨 5枚
Relic Lance PolearmDrg ランスウッド材 Oric. IngotArachne Thread ルンゴナンゴ翠貝貨 4枚
Ihintanto Katana Nin 上代卸し鉄 Tarrasque Skin玉糸 100 Byne Bills x4
Ito Great Katana Sam 上代卸し鉄 セイレーンマクラメ 玉鋼モニヨン銀貨3枚
Relic Knuckles Hand-To-HandMnk コー・イ・ヌール Griffon Leather Adaman Sheet100 Byne Bills x4
Relic Bow ArcheryRng/Sam Behemoth's Horn ランスウッド材 Carbon Fiberモニヨン銀貨 4枚
Relic Gun MarksmanshipRng マスターガンオイル Rainbow ClothDarksteel Ingot 100 Byne Bills x5
Relic Horn Wind InstrumentBrd マンモスの牙 クロノスの歯 Swordbelt +1 ルンゴナンゴ翠貝貨 3枚
Blue Letters means this item can be bought from Goblins that sell Timeless Hourglass
Weapon will be fixed upon passing JST 0:00.

■ 2nd Upgrade
Pre-upgrade name Type Job Weapons Needed Transaction Fee
ブルワークシールド ShieldPld      
グリプチックソード SwordPld/Rdm Bronze Sword Mythril Sword Wing Sword100 Byne Bills x14
メーレフィクダガー DaggerRdm/Thf/Brd Brass DaggerPoison Dagger ミセルコリデモニヨン銀貨 14枚
バッテリングモール ClubWhm WarhammerHoly Maul Brass Hammer100 Byne Bills x16
セージスタッフ StaffBlm/Smn Ash StaffElm Staff Mahogany Staff100 Byne Bills x16
ギルデッドブレード Great SwordWar/Pld/Drk ClaymoreMyt. Claymore Dst. Claymoreルンゴナンゴ翠貝貨 16枚
レオナインアクス AxeBst TabarDst. Tabar Tabarzinモニヨン銀貨14枚
アゴナルブージ Great AxeWar Butterfly AxeGreat Axe Hvy. Dst. Axeルンゴナンゴ翠貝貨 16枚
メメントモリサイズ ScytheDrk ScytheHorn Scythe Death Scythe モニヨン銀貨 16枚
ホッツパーランス PolearmDrg Brass SpearHalberd 飛竜の槍 100 Byne Bills x16
Mimizuku Katana Nin 脇指兜割 桜吹雪ルンゴナンゴ翠貝貨 16枚
疾風丸 Great Katana Sam 太刀三日月 飾太刀ルンゴナンゴ翠貝貨 15枚
ミリタントナックル Hand-To-Hand Mnk Bronze Knuckles Metal Knuckles Koenig Knucklesモニヨン銀貨14枚
ウルヴァーボウ ArcheryRng/Sam Power BowWar Bow Shigeto Bowモニヨン銀貨 14枚
マークスマンガン Marksmanship Rng アークゥイバスPirate Gun Hellfire ルンゴナンゴ翠貝貨 15枚
ピリックホルン Wind Instrument Brd HornGemshorn ショファー100 Byne Bills x14
1 Week wait for this upgrade to finish

3rd Upgrade
Requires a drop from Shadow NMs in Dynamis - Beaucedine.
Required Weapon Type Jobs Attestment needed Who drops it Transaction fee
Dynamis Shield ShieldPld 金剛不壊の証 Quiebitiel? 
Dynamis Sword Sword Pld/Rdm 獅子奮迅の証Quiebitiel ルンゴナンゴ翠貝貨61枚
Dynamis Dagger Dagger Rdm/Thf/Brd 電光石火の証Goublefaupe ルンゴナンゴ翠貝貨61枚
Dynamis Maul Club Whm 一殺多生の証Gobulefaupe ルンゴナンゴ翠貝貨62枚
Dynamis Staff Staff Blm/Smn 百戦錬磨の証Dagourmarche モニヨン銀貨62枚
Dynamis Blade Great SwordWar/Pld/Drk 唯我独尊の証Quiebitiel 100 Byne Bills x62
Dynamis Axe AxeBst 万夫不当の証Dagourmarche 100 Byne Bills x60
Dynamis Bhuj Great AxeWar 鎧袖一触の証Quiebitiel モニヨン銀貨 60枚
朧月 ScytheDrk 疾風迅雷の証 Mildaunegeuxモニヨン銀貨 61枚
朧丸 PolearmDrg 一刀両断の証 Mildaunegeux100 Byne Bills x60
Dynamis Scythe Katana Nin 抜山蓋世の証Velosareon 100 Byne Bills x62
Dynamis Lance Great Katana Sam 一騎当千の証Dagourmarche モニヨン銀貨62枚
Dynamis Knuckles Hand-To-Hand Mnk 不撓不屈の証Mildaunegeux ルンゴナンゴ翠貝貨61枚
Dynamis Bow Archery Rng/Sam 古今無双の証Velosareon ルンゴナンゴ翠貝貨61枚
Dynamis Gun Marksmanship Rng 百発百中の証Velosareon モニヨン銀貨62枚
Dynamis Horn Wind Instrument Brd 高山流水の証Goublefaupe モニヨン銀貨60枚

4th Upgrade
Take the 3rd upgraded weapon to Switchstix in Castle Zvahl Baileys. Cutscene.
He will ask to to take a weapon fragment piece and a certain amount of transaction fee to a certain spot in the world
Fragment pieces are dropped by Weapon-type mobs in Dynamis - Xarcabard (Animated ○○)
Transaction fee is 1 piece of a 10,000 unit currency
Weapon Needed Type Job 欠片Event Area LocationTransaction Fee
カリバーン Sword Pld/Rdm 聖剣Dragon's Aery The pool with a Marlboro R. Goldpiece
バターディア Dagger Rdm/Thf/Brd 魔拳Castle Oztroja High Priest spawn all the way upstairs 
グリンタンニ Club Whm 宝剣Sanctuary of Zi'Tah The Tree for Samurai Quest 10,000 Byne Bill
タイラス Staff Blm/Smn 神槌Sanctuary of Zi'Tah H-8, a glowing Rock 
Valhalla Great SwordWar/Pld/Drk 神杖Ifrit's Cauldron Near Cloister of Flames 
オーガキラー AxeBst 魔剣Beaucedine Glacier Lower Right corner of G-10 
アバドンキラー Great AxeWar 魔斧Western Altepa Desert H-7 
ベグ・ド・フォコン ScytheDrk 聖鉞Ru'Rude Gardens Fountainリミララ縞貝貨
ゲイアサイル PolearmDrg 魔鎌North Gustaberg Near waterfall (zone from Dangulf Walf) リミララ縞貝貨
吉光 Katana Nin 神槍Ru'Aun Gardens G-6 Near the impassible pathway 
十握剣 Great Katana Sam 鬼刀Sea Serpant Grotto Wooden Box, all the way behind Mythril Door 
カエストス Hand-To-Hand Mnk 神刀Horlais Peak Hot Spring 
二所藤の弓 Archery Rng/Sam 剛弓Cape Teriggan CoastR. Goldpiece
フェルディナント Marksmanship Rng 名銃Metalworks 火薬研究所 
Millennium Horn Wind Instrument Brd 魔笛Valley of Sorrows Northern cave with elemental リミララ縞貝貨

276 名前: 名も無き軍師 投稿日: 2004/05/02(日) 13:13 [ /OxrqR6c ]




Collect【100Byne Bills】 for these items:
Rate Item Obtained by: What for
x33 コー・イ・ヌール Goldsmithingレリック系武器打直し
x25 Wootz Ingot Smithingレリックブージ・モール打直し
x20 マスターガンオイル Alchemyレリックガン打直し
x12 カンタレラ Alchemyレリックダガー打直し
x9 Wootz Ore Dynamis - Bastokウーツインゴ(鍛冶師範)
x8 Slime Juice Dynamis - Bastokマスターガンオイル(錬金師範)
x7 Siren's Hair NMゼニス装備・遺刀打直し
100 Byne Bills x1 <==>for 1 Byne Bills x100.

Rate ItemObtained by: What for
x28マンモスの牙 Bonecraftレリックホルン打直し
x25 Behemoth Horn HNMショファー・ベヒモスリング・ベヒーモスナイフ
x23 Griffon Leather Leathercraftレリックナックル打直し
x8 Griffon Hide Dynamis - San d'Oriaグリフィンなめし革
x7 Goblin Grease Dynamis - Jeunoマスターガンオイル(錬金師範)
x6 Relic Iron Dynamis - Windurst上代卸し鉄(鍛冶師範)
x5ハベトロットの玉繭 NMオパーライン系装備
モニヨン銀貨1枚 = オルデール銅貨100枚で交換

■Castle Oztroja
Rate ItemObtained by: What for
x28 Damascus Ingot HNMHaubergeon
x25 Lancewood Lumber Woodworkingレリックスタッフ打直し
x24 上代卸し鉄 Smithing遺刀・遺品短刀打直し
x23クロノスの歯 Bonecraftレリックホルン打直し
x9 Lancewood Log Dynamis - Windurstランスウッド材(木工師範)
x8巨大なサレコウベ Dynamis - Windurstクロノスの歯(骨師範)
x7 Angel Skin NMHectacomb gears
ルンゴナンゴ翠貝貨1枚 = トゥクク白貝貨100枚で交換

Synthesis recipe using ingredients from Dynamis
Product SkillCrystal Ingredients
上代卸し鉄 Smithing FireRelic Iron x2
Wootz Ingot Smithing FireWootz Ore, Steel Ingot, Rosewood Lumber
コー・イ・ヌール Goldsmithing WindGlittering Stone
(NQ: Clear Topaz, HQ1: Goshenite, HQ2: Silicon,HQ3: コー・イ・ヌール)
マンモスの牙 Bonecraft 94 Wind氷付けの巨大な頭
クロノスの歯 Bonecraft 100 Wind巨大なサレコウベ
マスターガンオイル Alchemy 95 WaterGoblin Grease, Slime Juice
カンタレラ Alchemy 99 Dark Mercury, Venom Dust, Paralysis Dust, Frech Orc Liver, Distilled Water
Griffon Leather Leathercraft 97 DarkGriffon Hide, Distilled Water, Windurst Tea Leaves (or Willow Lumber)
Lancewood Lumber Woodworking 99 WindLancewood Log

 Moghancement: Experience Points reduces experience points loss when KO'd.
※Unlike the description, currently it works even when you're raised. ( ゚д゚)ポカーン
  EXP loss (Lv75)
  Raise                    No Raise    I       II   III
  w/o Moghancement 2400 1800 600 240
  w/ Moghancement   2280 1710 570 228

・Before entering Dynamis, make sure  /autotarget is off
・Dynamis Macros
 /ta <stnpc>
 /as <stpc> or /as <Name of puller>
・Provoke and enfeeble macros should change <t> to <stnpc>
・Do not use /p in macro (lag anyone?). Use /echo, or change /p to //p (which comments out the line)
・If possible, make 1 macro set just for Dynamis

■Things to check
・Lotting Rules, as well as how the hourglass is paid
・Search comment setting
・Item needed for that particular Dynamis (Food, Poison Potion, Echo Drops, etc..)
・Rules on entering
・Whether to Prioritize certain jobs to be killed first, and try to learn them by names
・Auto-Target is off
・Macro is for Dynamis use
・If needed, set Home Point
・Reraise is active