t- Plug in for Yahoo chat


The Preeminent Peruru Page

Sailor Mercury

Assasin- Kill Celebs
KatC's Sailormoon Goodies- Full of awesome little SM pics and freebies, so kawaii!
Plasitcman Emulation Zone- A site with actual WORKING emulators and roms!
The Sailormoon Hideaway- A VERY good SM site, one of my absolute favorites!
Harvest Moon 64- This is the BEST HM64 site out there, it's equipped with tips and a SUPER helpful message board.

Ok, here is a new thing I'm going to to do I'm going to set up a web links page of your favorites! I will have to check them out before posting them
send me a short email including your first name, recomendation, and its subject(topic) I'll check it out and post it if it's ok. Note: Do not send me any sites not appropriate for kids! Send to me .