Highlander The Card Game


Devoted to all of us losers out there that can't win, buy, or steal all the Quickening cards.

The thumbnail images below will take you to pages of each Q with a few details about each one. If there are any mistakes or omissions, you are hearby requested to please let me know so I don't look like some common fool who doesn't know Khordas from Kronos.

Connor Duncan Fasil Generic Kane

Kastagir Katana Khan Kurgan Luther

Methos Nakano 1 Nakano 2 Nefertiri 1 Nefertiri 2

Ramirez Slan Xavier Kim 1 Kim 2

Methos 2 Duncan Misprint

Discard Special Kalas Kronos Master's Advance Nexus

No Attack = Hidden Renaissance Rules Standing Defense Watcher

For the newbies, Quickenings (or just Q's) are the grand prize for winning a Thunder Castle Games sanctioned tournament if you are a NEXUS League member.  Quickening cards are pre-game cards that allow you to use the powers of other immortals along with your own. They each state on the back at the top, "Play this card before the game begins. If you lose your head, your opponent takes this card."

History Lesson:

To date, Quickenings have been released in two waves. They are classified as Q1's and Q2's. There are 20 Q1's and 10 Q2's. There have also been two other Q's created. The one released with the Methos Collection, and the misprinted one intended to be released with the Duncan Collection, but pulled because of the misprint. More on that later. The Methos Collection Q has been called a Q1.5 by some because it came out between the 1's and 2's. Others consider it a Q2 because of a similar trait shared by the Q's. All of the Q1's have black text on the back, while all of the Q2's have white text on the back. The Methos Collection Q also has white text.

One last thing...


One more last thing...

All card images and card text are copyrighted by Thunder Castle Games, reprinted here by permission. Highlander is a property of Davis-Panzer Productions and Gaumont Television. Thanks go to those players and collectors who donated scans and info about the cards. These pages are for the anal-retentive-obsessive-compulsive parts in all of us.

Best viewed with the True-Type HIGHLANDER FONT created by beccaelizabeth. Screen resolution of 1024x768 and True Color (32 bit) recommended.

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Created by KRB
Last revised on 9/26/01