TITLE: When The Drabbles Came AUTHOR: Calicia SERIES: DS9 CODES: Jake, Nog SYNOPSIS: DS9 drabble 1 of 4. Drabbles come to DS9. Dialogue. ARCHIVING: ASC fine. Everyone else, ask. FEEDBACK: Please DISCLAIMER: Trek = Paramount. This drabble = mine. "Hey Nog, look at this!" "What is it, Jake?" "It’s called a drabble. They’re 100 word stories, and they’re really fun. Look at how many I’ve written already." "Wow! Where did you learn about them?" "From one of the traders who left yesterday." "They look pretty easy...." "They are. Hey, you try one." "Okay." (pause) "You need another two words." "How about ‘the end’?" "That’s cheating!" "There are rules for this?" "Well, only that they must be 100 words." "Fine. It’s my drabble, so I can put ‘the end’." "I guess." "This is fun! Commander Dax, try one of these!"