TITLE: Day Of The Drabbles AUTHOR: Calicia SERIES: DS9 CODES: S, K, D, O SYNOPSIS: DS9 drabble 2 of 4. More people are getting hooked on drabbles. Dialogue. ARCHIVING: ASC fine. Everyone else, ask. FEEDBACK: Please DISCLAIMER: Trek = Paramount. This drabble = mine. *Sisko to Dax.* "I’m a little busy right now Benjamin." *Old man...* "99, 100. Got it!" *What?* "Don’t worry. What was it you wanted?" *Your shift started 10 minutes ago.* "Did it? Sorry, I was distracted. On my way, Dax out." "100, 101. Still one word too many!" "Odo, what’s wrong?" "Hello, Commander. Jake Sisko suggested I try a ‘drabble,’ but I can’t seem to get it down to 100 words." "Let me take a look.....try changing ‘could not’ to ‘couldn’t." "I didn’t think of that. Thank-you, Commander." "You’re welcome." "Good morning, Dax." "Kira! You’ve just *got* to try this!"