TITLE: Drabble Nor AUTHOR: Calicia SERIES: DS9 CODES: S, K, D, B SYNOPSIS: DS9 drabble 3 of 4. This is what happens when you don’t write your drabbles. Dialogue. ARCHIVING: ASC fine. Everyone else, ask. FEEDBACK: Please DISCLAIMER: Trek = Paramount. This drabble = mine. "What is going on here?!" "Benjamin!" "Captain!" "Why isn’t anyone working?" "We’re drabbling, Benjamin." "You’re what?" "Writing drabbles, 100 word stories. Look." "They look interesting. But you still need to work." "Try one." "No. I’m too busy. Besides, I’m not very good at writing." "Captain, even *Rom* writes drabbles!" "No Major, I’m not going to write one." (thump) "Emergency transport from Ops to Infirmary!" "Jadzia, what happened?" "He was arguing with Kira over drabbles. He didn’t want to write one." "I’ve been seeing a lot of this. People who refuse to write drabbles..." "Then we better get back to drabbling."