TITLE: Now I Am Six AUTHOR: Calicia RATING: G CODES: DS9, Du SUMMARY: A rewrite of A.A.Milne's poem of the same name. FFEDBACK: Say what you want, it's not like I spent ages on it. ARCHIVING: ASC, Lady Kardasi’s, Ariana okay. Everyone else please ask. DISCLAIMER: Officially, Paramount writes Dukat (and they are CRAP!!). A.A.Milne wrote the original version of this poem. I woke up with this in my head, so if anyone want someone to sue, the Sandman lives next door to the Tooth Fairy. Wow, the header's longer than the actual poem itself!!! When I was one, my character had just begun. When I was two, to fans I was still new. When I was three, I began developing personality. When I was four, I was developed so much more. When I was five, development began to take a nosedive. And now I am six, my personality's being written away, To have ended me last season would have been a better way.