Doubar's Cabin

places to go
Dermotts Perch
The Cargohold
The Charts
The Galley
The Brink
Maeve's Cabin
Sinbad's Cabin
Rongar's Cabin
Guest's Cabin
Firouz's Cabin
The Records

This page is for quotes from the show.  There are lots of sound clips around, but these are longer than most of the quotes that are around and I haven't been able tio find them anywhere.  That is how these quotes got on this page.  To see sound's, go to Rongar's cabin.

After Maeve kisses Eyolf on the cheek and he leaves.
Sinbad~ So, you and Eyolf got close?
Maeve~ Now what, exactly are you asking?
She walks off, and Doubar and Firouz start laughing
Sinbad~ Don't look at me that way.  It was a simple question.(they laugh)  What?  Can't I ask a simple question?

                                                        A Gouls Tale
Seria~ Thank-you (she reaches over and kisses Sinbad on the cheek)
Maeve~ Hey now, let's not be too thankful.

                                                       A Gouls Tale
Gia~ Who wants to try it next? (indicating the bike)
Doubar~ I'm always up for an adventure.  Seems simple enough. (he gets on, and looses control)  Firouz!  How do you stop this thing?
Firouz~ A stopping mechinism?  Now why didn't think of that?

                                                         A Gouls Tale
A group of barbarians approah them.
Sinbad~ All we want is the talisment you stole.(A bararian swings his club at Sinbad.  He ducks and draws his saber)  Alright, have it your way.

                                                           A Gouls Tale
Maeve~ What about Seria?
Doubar~ If she's alerted them we're walking into a sure ambush.
Sinbad~ Not much of an ambush if we know about it, right big brother?(he walks off)
Doubar~ Now why did I encouage him?

                                                          A Gouls Tale
The ship is on fire
Doubar~ At this rate we'll never outrun it.
Sinbad~ Happy thoughts, big brother, think happy thoughts.

                                                          A Gouls Tale
Maeve casts spell to make her spin.
Sinbad~ How far Doubar?
Doubar~ Any minute now, our ship is going to turn into a wood stove.
Sinbad~ M-MAEVE!!  I know you can be windier thatn that!
Doubar~ Where's Rumina when you need her?